Arrangements, Coincidence and Tea (i)

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I handed in the project yesterday. Park-songsaengnim gave me a weird look, asking if Daehyun was with me and nodding contentedly when I said no. He seems to not like Daehyun a lot. I think it's unfair but Park-songsaengnim is known for being heinously strict and serious, so it's not a surprise he's not happy with Daehyun for being distracted during his classes.

The chilly morning air gently carresses my hands as I stroll down the sidewalk, store owners rolling up the shutters and pulling out the awnings. So this is what bleary eyes and fresh dawn feels like, mixed together. I'm glad I have this jacket with me. That reminds me; I found a yellow note in my locker the previous day with a messy scrawl Keep the jacket. I still don't know who this belongs to but well, since the owner wants to get rid of it... I sound like a thrift shop owner, but I've taken an odd liking to this jacket. Something about it makes it very cozy, like a fireplace in winter.

It's nine, on the dot. Himchan's definitely going to be late, so I might as well get a seat first. A familiar jingle resounds as I push the coffee shop door open. Coffee Cojjee.

This café has a perfect ambience. It's spacious, warm and their lights are a pretty shade of amber. They play a lot of nice Korean indie songs too and the crowd is never too much because of its secluded location. I stumbled upon this place when I was a sophomore on an impromptu photography trip.

"Have a nice day!"

I join the short queue, the distinguishable voice rings down the line. The elegant lady in front of me moves to the side and the cashier glances up from scribbling on the cup.

"How may I-" He stops, a look of recognition flashing past his eyes.

This is Choi Zelo, one of the baristas here, and has been working here since I found this place. He's a tall, lanky boy whose hair colour changes every few months: pink, blue, blonde, red, etc. Last year, when he was still in middle school, I felt like a pedophile for thinking he was cute. But now, he's graduated and grown up to be those kind of charismatic, popular guys you'd see in dramas.

Zelo smirks, running his tongue over his teeth. "The usual?"

I nod, returning a smile. "And an iced americano."

"Iced Americano, medium Green Tea Frappé," he murmurs to himself, writing down a Y.Jay without asking. He gave me that nickname after I started frequenting this place.

Shifting to the other side, I watch as Zelo tugs the apron of one of his colleagues who frowns and goes to man the counter. He waltzes over, preparing my drink.

"You're looking good today," Zelo says. "Not that it's an uncommon occurrence."

"Thanks," I mumble, still unaccustomed to his newfound habit of complimenting me. It started during the end of last year, when his hair was greyish blue. I like your eyes. Nice shoulders. You should show off your collarbones more. How he evolved from the innocent boy who'd ask me to repeat my order to this, I don't know, but I've seen him do it to a few female regular customers.

Zelo's smug grin grows and his eyes scour over my body. "I like your jacket. Where'd you get it from?"

How do I explain to him I found it without sounding like a thief?


Zelo chuckles as I stumble on my words, handing me my drinks. "Stay cute."

He walks off, tending to another customer. God, my cheeks are burning. I'm in junior year and I'm letting a freshman fluster me. Waiting for about fifteen minutes in a corner seat, Himchan sashays into the coffee house in all black with a pair of sunglasses. Typical. He freezes when he sees me, giving a short wave.

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