Normal walk home...or is it?

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   Shrugging my shoulder, I turned on one foot, prepared to take the long walk home. If only I could bring a bike to the school without it being stolen. I knew we could easily bring a lock to ensure that it wouldn't, but people here can be downright desperate. A few have reported locks broken or ripped apart. Don't ask me how they managed to rip them..I just go about my business and that's the end of it. 

   "Sister!" the loud call sent my ears into a ringing storm. Wincing, I glanced behind me. A young teen girl was running as fast as light itself. Long black hair threw itself around in every direction thought possible. Jeans wrinkled and clung to the skin as the wind tore by. Arms seemed to reach 20 feet in front of the teen. Dark blue eyes burned into a wild fire as she loomed closer. Pivoting, I watched her come to a short stop in front of me. Heavy breathes burst through her lips as she leans over.

   "Were you that scared that I would leave you behind?" I wondered, fighting a smile. Her eyes glared up into mine, setting them on fire. 

   "How would I know if you wouldn't? You always threaten to everyday..better safe than sorry." she retorted, slowly getting her breath back. I rolled my eyes; same argument everyday. I couldn't help but feel she's gotten this bad because of our connection. When she figured out no one else would help us, she relied on only me to help her. Who knows where she got these fears from of me leaving her, but they needed to stop. She knew better than to take my joking seriously.

   Straightening, Narina gave me a tight smile. I took that as a sign to move on. Nodding to her, I turned back around, starting to lead the way back home. She fell into step beside me, brushing a stray lock of hair over one shoulder. "So how did your classes go?" I expected that from her. Had to find some way to get me to talk on the way. She hated quiet walks as much as mother used to. 

   "Went as well as it always does." I shrugged my shoulder, feeling the hair on the back of my neck spike up. "Though Mark was at it again." She threw me a sympathetic glance, then realized just how wrong of a mistake that was. Her eyes fixed on the road below us, making sure she didn't trip. 

   "Him again huh? Should really talk to a counselor or principal about that Jane. He's not going to stop until you show him how serious you are." she grumbled. He used to ask Narina out all the time. Good thing she's not as nice as I am when it comes to things like that. I can still remember the look on his face as the words streamed out from her lips. Despite it being a bit funny, I still had to teach her to behave. After her episode, it was up to me to let her know what happens when you do things like that.

   It was needless to say the subject had never came up again. "Are you listening to me?" she glanced over in my direction, this time without the sympathetic look. A wise move for her.

    "I'm fine sister, just thinking." smiling seemed to reassure her a bit. Her head gave a short nod before returning her attention back to the road. The forest was starting to show from behind the houses. Our home was just beyond the woods, though for safety we always went around it. 

   Many rumors had followed the forest after it was determined safe to keep close to the town. Some were too silly to even begin to believe..and there was the ones that could really scare an adult or teen. Rumor has it that if you walk into the forest, you never return again. Teens naturally wanted to check this for themselves. Their friend made it out alive, but the other two men were never heard from. It frightened a good amount of the school's teens, including myself, and they've avoided it for that reason alone. 

   "Oh my gosh, look Jane!"

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