Whipped Cream on Top : Chapter One

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Evelyn quickly shoved her suitcase closed, dragging it down the steps as she took her her messy red hair and freckles with her.

"Mom!" Evelyn yelled, "I'm ready!"

"I'm right here, Evelyn." Her mother, Jane, placed a hand on her shoulder and gently kissed her head. "Where is your brother?"

Behind her, a blonde haired boy smiled. "I'm right here!" He held a small suitcase with a cartoon car, the word 'Vroom!' was labeled above the car.

"Your up and ready, right Leo?" Jane tightened the boys shoelaces, Evelyn stared at the black shoelaces as her mom tightened them into a big bow.

"Yes, mommy!" Leo teased, he smiled teasingly with his barely grown teeth. The two year old giggled as he showed his kiddy teeth, it made Jane smile.

"Okay, remember to behave. Moving to your aunt's is a big leap," Jane kissed both the kids, having a 'I'm so sorry', or a guilty, look on her pale face.

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