New Boy

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He was tall. He towered over most of his peers. But they didn't even know him. Who would? He was the new kid. He ran a comb through his perfectly styled hair and popped his collar.

He attracted so much attention from both the girls and boys he passed. Some girls waved at him and others fawned over him. He just raised a perfect eyebrow at them.

"He has perfect skin!" one girl exclaimed clasping her hands together.

"Look at his dreamy blue eyes!" another girl cried.

He just rolled his pretty eyes and stepped inside the front doors.


Sherwin, a ginger with the stereotypical freckles, sat in homeroom feeling sick. It was the first day of the school year and like normal, the boy was nervous. Every year would start out with friends reuniting, new schedules, and finding out what bullies you have in each class.

He chose one of the desks at the back of the room, away from possible attention. He watched students file in and take seats by their friends.

No one sat beside him.

Oh well. That was no big deal to him. He liked sitting alone. No one really got him anyway.

He pulled a journal from his backpack and started doodling. He barely noticed the teacher walk in. "Hello class," she said in a cheerful manner that is usually only seen on this day. "We have a new student with us."

That caught Sherwin's interest. He looked up to see a handsome boy standing by her desk. He didn't look nervous at being new. He had a calm aura about him that shaped him into a cool dude.

Sherwin could already tell the boy was going to be the local heartthrob for all of the girls at the school. Maybe the guys would like him too.

Wait what?

He felt his heart skip a beat. He wasn't thinking right. The new year nerves were just getting to him.

"What is your name, young man?" the teacher asked, bringing Sherwin back to reality.

The boy grinned showing off his stainless teeth. "I'm Jonathan."

"Welcome to the school, Jonathan. Please go take your seat next to Sherwin."

Sherwin felt his heart pound when the boy started walking his way, but he didn't know why. Jonathan slipped into the seat beside him and winked at him. That set the ginger's cheeks on fire. He didn't understand what was causing all this.

"Hey, Sherwin was it?" the boy says leaning back in his seat. "Nice to meet you. You know my name so... How about you show me around the school?"

Sherwin gulps. "You want me to show you around?"

"Yeah, you're a cool kid."

Sherwin shifts in his seat. "Well, I -and nobody else- would say I'm cool." he looks away. "But if you want me too, I will."

"Great. What's your schedule?"

The nervous ginger pulls a crumpled piece of paper and hands it over to the boy. "Some of the classes aren't that great but..."

"Whoa!" Jonathan exclaims pulling out his schedule. "Our classes match completely! Thats so lucky!"

"Yeah.. lucky."

Fun Fact: Apparently I put this up (then took it down right after) in June... I think I was going to add more to the chapter, but I never did.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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