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Emily's P.O.V.

New school, new clubs, new classes, new everything!

I smiled as I walkedown the hall in the expensive uniform dress that went to my calves.

I was a scolarship kid, which was rare at this school. As far as I knew, there was only one other person Ouran Academy that was accepted without there parents buying thier way in.

I approached the doors of the last class of the day (social studies) with a smile. Almost over.

"Good to see that yo've decided to join us Miss Duncan." Mr. Twenack scolded, once I had opened the door

I flushed and scurried to my seat, "Sorry."

I plopped down into my asigned seat between the Hitatchin twins. They ignored me as usual.

"Hey Emily." Haruhi, the other scholarship kid, whispered.

I turned around slightly and waved at him, a smile on my face. Haruhi was the only person who talked to me like I was another human being instead of just a lucky commoner.

Class ended after about an hour or so of a pointless lecture on the American Revolution.

I sat up and stretched, "Well that was boring."

Haruhi grinned, "I don't see why we have to go over something we learned in grade school."

I grinned back, "Because there running out of material to teach."

We both chuckled at that. Haruhi held out a piece of paper to me and I took it.

I read the headline, "Host club? What's that?"

He rubbed the back of his head, "It's this club that I'm in. So if you ever wanted to talk after school, you know where to find me."

"Thanks, I just might check it out." I told him, tucking the paper into a binder.

"C'mon Haruhi. If your late Boss will have to punish you." Hikaru called, walking out arm and arm with his brother.

I paled slightly, "He doesn't really mean that... does he?"

Haruhi shrugged, "I don't know anymore. I'll see you later."

"See you." I waved, slinging the one thousand pound bag over my shoulders.

I was walking out of the building when I heard two girls whispering about me. Now, I'm not usually one to eavesdrop, but... I leaned a little closer to them to hear better.

"That new girl has been hanging around Haruhi alot lately." One of them said, saying Haruhi's name like he was a God.

"I know. He just likes her because she's a scholarship kid too." The other one said.

The other girl scoffed, "She doesn't look smart enough to pass the test to get in."

The other girl laughed shrilly, "She probably slept around to be able to attend."

I gasped and speed walked away, my eyes filling with tears.

"Emily?" Haruhi asked, walking towards me.

I wiped away my tears and forced a smile, "What are you doing back here?"

He shrugged, "I forgot my notes. What happened?"

I sniffled, "These dang rich people."

Haruhi laughed, "I know what you mean... do you want to hang out? I can't imagine you wanting anyone to see you like this."

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