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Mulan yawned, stretching her arms above her head. The chickens needed feeding.

She climbed out of bed with many more yawns and stretches, slipped on a dress and slippers and made her way outside, grabbing a bucket of feed on her way. 

Strewing the small yellow and brown kernels as she walked, Mulan looked up to see her parents already standing in the doorway to their shrine. Her mother smiled and waved, her father stayed still. It was hard to tell from where she was at, but he seemed almost...sad.

Mulan finished her chores quickly and headed back towards the house, enjoying the golden sunrise. 

Fa Zhou was a renowned war hero. He was an inspiration to all, and especially to his daughter and wife. His mother in law was a little less impressed, but that was her job. He was kind and stern, wise and strong. And he never let his limp from the war get the best of him.

Fa Li was the greatest, most wonderful chef in town. She cooked for every event, every wedding and funeral and church gathering. She also taught her daughter everything she knew, which was much more than just the culinary arts. Weaving and singing, drawing and writing and more. She was incredible.

Both of them met Mulan at the door, and Li immediately pulled her away to get dressed. Grandmother met them in the bedroom and the two women excitedly pulled everything from Mulan's wardrobe, throwing it all across the mat and floor, speaking quickly. 


Mulan - A Fabulous Re-TellingWhere stories live. Discover now