Chapter Four

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Aiden awoke, straining to open his eyes.

Wheels squeaked.

Voices and alarms blared.

Monitors beeped.

His mouth was so dry. Suddenly, there were doctors and nurses standing over him. One of them popped an ice pellet into his mouth. And in the background, his parents, looking at him with tears in their eyes, and smiles on their faces. An unfamiliar little girl squeezed between the legs of the nurses.

“A-en! I missed you!” she squealed.

A doctor bent over me.

“Aiden, you're in a hospital. You've been in a coma for 3 months. We don't know why, but you appear to be physically fine. We have to run some tests and then you can go home. You will need physical therapy for a few months, though.”

Aiden nodded.

The next day, Aiden's mom talked to him, updating him on what had been going on. She kept talking about someone named Brynn. He asked about her. His mom laughed.

“She’s your sister, silly.”

She kept talking about things they did when they were younger. Aiden didn't remember any of it… everything seemed different than what he did remember.

When he finally got to go home, everything seemed relatively normal. Aiden was indescribably relieved that the weird box stuff was just a dream or something, and had no idea how he thought it was real in the first place. After all, it was like something out of a sci-fi story. The next week, he got a package in the mail. He opened it, thinking it was another recommendation for a new course of treatment or a therapist or something. It was a glowing blue cube, with black words scrolling across the top.

Hello Aiden. I am the past. I am the future. And i've been waiting for you.

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