chapter five.

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* before i start this, i want to say thank you SO MUCH FOR 1k READS 💗 please vote if you wanna *

- In chicago -

we are in chicago. at a party to be exact. some of ethans friends from chicago a party since we're back in town. it's not small one, it feels like everyone from chicago is here. i shoved my way through the large crowd in the middle of the modernized living room. i entered the kitchen. i heard sounds of light chatter, people kissing, and drinks being poured.

i looked around the kitchen. wood floors were beneath my feet. a light eggshell color adorned the walls. i walked over to where the drinks were. i got a cup of fireball and left. lightly sipping on my drink, i felt how the liquid burned the back of my throat.i scanned the room for the red headed girl i call my best friend.

" nicole, is that you? " i heard a slurred voice say. i turned around and saw an overly intoxicated emma stumbling toward me.

" emma, jesus, did you drink up all the drinks in the kitchen? no wonder there's barley anything left" i huffed, obviously annoyed.
" cmon, loosen up, drink with me! " emma happily exclaimed, alcohol dripping in her breath. i smiled at how happy she was. seeing emma happy made me happy. i nodded in agreement and she lead me to the kitchen where we could take shots.
4 shots later, and i'm wasted. emma and i are dancing on the dance floor, grinding, whatever you wanna call it. the room was booming with music, kodak black to be exact. scents like sweat and alcohol filled my senses. i was having the time of my life, ethan wasn't on my mind. all i was focused on was having fun.

just as i was enjoying myself, i hear someone bump into me and say " slut ". i whipped my head around and it was brielle. of course it was her.

" the fuck did you just say to me? " i questioned the petite girl, clad in a floral romper.
" i called you what you are " she replied back with a mischievous smile. i already didn't like brielle, so this was just setting me off the edge.
" what is your p-problem with meee? " i asked her, slurring my words considering i was intoxicated. a crowd started to form around brielle and i. i heard a couple of people chanting 'fight', ethan was no where to be found.

" my problem with you is you are obsessed with my boyfriend. he doesn't like you. he never will. stop trying, bitch " brielle spat at me, venom dripping in her voice. she was trying to hurt me. it worked, but i'd never show it, no matter how intoxicated i was. my anger was building up. before i could control myself, i pushed her. everything was in slow motion. i acted on impulse, not thinking her drink spilled all over the front of her, soaking her chest. the room filled with 'ooo's.

" what the hell. " responded brielle. she pushed me back and that's when i right hooked her. i heard emma yelling in the back telling us to stop but i didn't listen. i was so drunk i had no control over my actions. all i could hear were people cheering us on and chanting " fight, fight, fight" . i felt so much adrenaline rushing through my veins. it felt like i could do anything. i was letting out all my built up anger. all the hostility and anger i had inside of me left my body with every punch i gave and received. all i saw was red.

i was lifted away from brielle. strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up. the mystery man threw me over his shoulder. the person was taking me towards the stairs, i was too drunk and weak to even fight back. as they walked up the stairs, i got a whiff of their scent.


" ethan ? " i spoke, praying it was actually him.
" yes, nicole ? " the teenager huffed back. he took me into a room upstairs and shut the door. he sat me down on the bed. the room was a dark grey with white carpets. various posters adorned the walls. the furniture was a sleek black and the bedspread was a basic white color.
" who's room is this? " i questioned, cocking my head to the side. ethan turned to look at me, his hands resting upon his knee.
" it's chaz's, that's beside the point, what the fuck happened down there? " questioned the brown haired boy. he rubbed his temples, his features showed he was stressed. i adjusted myself so i was moved closer towards him, i turned my body so i was facing him, and one leg was off the side of the bed. i was still pretty drunk so i wasn't in full control of myself or the surroundings. i looked at everything but him, thinking of how to reply. finally, looking at him, i spoke,

" she called me a slut " obvious shyness was in my voice. i was afraid of his answer. he probably wouldn't listen to me or what i have to say. he's going to take brielle's side.

" she w-what? " he stuttered, his eyes got big " why? " he continued. i didn't feel like talking about this.
" i'm not talking about this " i flatly told him. i stood up, straightened out my outfit, and proceeded to walk out the door. suddenly, his hands wrapped around my wrists, pulling me back down into his lap. i was shocked. i liked ethan, and this was something that would happen in my wildest dreams. his mouth came close to my ear. hot breath fanning my hear, brought chills to my skin. his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. by this time, i was barely drunk, i was coming back to my senses.
" e-ethan, what are you doing? " i managed to stutter out. i earned a light chuckle from ethan, he was obviously amused by my reaction. in all honesty, i have no idea why ethan took me up here and not his girlfriend.
" you didn't listen to me, now i'm going to make you " he whispered in my ear. i felt his breath on my neck, his lips lightly grazed the skin of my neck. i threw my head to the side. warm, wet kisses were being planted on my neck. each kiss caused me to squirm and breathe heavy. he let me go suddenly. he detached his lips from my neck. i whimpered in the loss of contact.
" ethan, why are you doing this? " i asked ethan.
" i'm doing something i wish i did a long time ago "

just then, ethan turned me around, now i was facing him, on his lap. my legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms rested upon his shoulders. i always dreamed of this day, i dreamed of kissing ethan, i dreamed of being like this with him, off set of course. ethan stared into my eyes. a smile adorned his face, a genuine one to be exact. he cupped the side of my face with one hand, looking at me, he leaned in.
and suddenly, our lips touched.

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