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star in the dark.
carrying a shotgun wherever she goes, she doesn't hurt anyone unless necessary, she was the "happy, go to" girl until a certain incident.
shotgun user

flower in a bed of weeds
bow & arrow user
after being kicked out of home she looks for a family, the group of rebellious teens took her in, she promises to kill, but only when she's comfortable.

silence is killing me;; taken by author
broken too many times
she devotes her soul to revenge. she is often the most quiet
one of the group. she prefers little
interaction with others therefore
making her the person to stay home
24/7, although she has a soft spot for
childish things.
—part time job as a rapper
riffle user partners with "mind opener"

mind opener
—she is quite the girl, although
she seems rude, she leaves an
open mind for others to dispose
ideas in. she is a loud one, strong
and nice.
—riffle user

screams in silence
she stands out for her
loud personality, yelling in
the flowerbed of silence, she
takes the role as the mother of
the group.
—mother & bomber

psycho hidden inside a blanket of normal
after her ex dumped her, she's gone absolutely insane, drinking, smoking, overdosing, attempts of suicide. but nevertheless, all these actions are hidden as a secret, she hides her psychopathic activities from everyone, but inside she hopes to find someone to fix her.

winter in april
—cold & badass, she has a soft spot for her teammates meanwhile everyone else to her is meaningless, but let's see what happens to her heart when she crosses with a special someone.
—partners with bow & arrow user

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you think would be interested,
if you like/prefer/want to/don't want to. it's okay, haha it'll just take longer for the form to be shown to anyone's soul besides mine.

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