Am I in Hell?

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Chapter 1

In a secret room

As I waited for my Da, I was sitting on a chair next to the lab were he is.  While I was waiting, I pulled out my phone and looked up some Amv videos on youtube. I wasn't a big fan, but one of the kids in the military showed me these. They wern't bad per say. But they were okay, the one anime that did chaught my eye. Was the one that had a butler who is a demon, and works for a little kid. It was actually really cool.

I then paused the video and looked at the door. "Da your taking to much time in there..." I whispered, he never takes that long. Why you ask. Well, when I first set in the base. My Da tolled everyone to enphorm him if I set foot in the base call him. And this is not like him, he always comes out of anything that's top secret.

I was about to go in, but before I do that I wanted to put on some music. I didn't want to hear people screaming at me why is a civilien in here. It happened before. And I was only ten. Not my fault, the door practally said 'open me.' I was listening to Lindsey stirling and Pentatonix sing Radioactive. One of my fav's from Imagine Dragons, besides Demons.

As I was about to open the door I heard lots of loud mumbeling. "That can't be good..." I said to my self, if I know one thing for sure. It's that, if there's loud mubleling is that thy're shouting. I unlocked the door with my Da's key card. This one of the copies I made incase of inmergies. And these were one of those times. I shoved the door open to only freeze at what I'm seeing. It was a large machine. The one almost has the same features as the Avengers movie. But the tips are pointing at eachother not straight. And the machine made a portel of some sort. Why you ask well...Because there's things flying twords it and then being shredded! I looked around to see if my Da is okay. I have to find him quick, by the looks of it people are hovering.

I kept searching even though I almost flew. Many of the debris of the so worked hard objects for the military flying around hiting things. I was almost hit by a chair if it weren't my fast reflexes I would have been really injared.

"Da were are you!?" I kept shouting the same thing, and I kept looking for him. 'No...please tell me he is safe and not shreeded by that thing...' I put that thought aside, but kept nagging at my mind. "(Y/n)!!" I stopped and turned at the voice that shouted out my mind. I gave a cry of happinies to know that my Da is okay. He was down on his knees holding on to the table that's ment to stay in place. I ran to him with open arms, like I did when I was younge happy to know he's back from the war or that he's back from traveling.

Then my reflexes kicked in but they weren't fast enough to stop what came at me. I turned to look at by right to see chairs tables and many other objects. It was like looking at a train, and I can't dodge it because it was coming fast and it was close. How funny to say that at that moment....My family, all of them even the army men that I knew since I was just a little girl. Were right there to see me....get hit. As I said those two words in my thoughts. I was rammed by the flying things. I can hear my parents and uncle Ben screaming my name. And the men and woman that I have known yelling and screaming to be let through. 'How funny...that this is the last moment I get to see those two together..' I thought of this as I looked at my mum and Da. I remember looking at my family picture, with me and mum and Da. We were smiling, this was a time when we were together as a family. And not sepretated, and I remember when I first met uncle Ben. I was doing my first walk and walking straight to him. And holding on his legs with my chubby hands. And the others, my friends and new family. As these thoughts came through my mind, my tears came flying out. And reached out to them, only for me to be shredded to peices. The last things I heard from this beautiful world is my parents crying out my name. "(Y/n)!!!"

'Am I dead...if I am god I pray you to let my parents know that in my last moments, that I'm happy to see them together...that's all I wish.'

As more tears came, bluring my eye vision. I couldn't be more happier. To see those two together in my last moments in that world.

As I flouted to an endless abise, something seemed off. I don't know how to describe it but it felt like, that I'm not dead. As thought for a bit my eye's shot opened. What I saw was breath taking. It's like I was in space, stars were everywere were ever I look there's stars all around me. Then the sceine before me changed into under ground cave. But was making me fidget was that this cave almost looked like. Then the cave started to shake and it was set on blazing fire of hell. That's all I could see fire, fire, and more fire. I kept walking back, till I tripped and fell all over again. What scared me to get out of this awful dream, was those masks. Those sickening masks that smile or smirk at your pain. I was shacking and my eye's were wide open with fear. I kept shaking, I started to hug myself into a ball, as I thought these words.

'Am I in Hell?'

I didn't know that I blacked out till I heard some whispereing....wait what the hell!? I jumped up with a start. I kept looking around on who were the people whispereing, I either skipped them or they were really short. I take that as skipping. Because as I landed on some people that really looked familier. there were two guys and one woman. The guys both had blound hair, except that the smaller guy looked really, really like a girl. They both had blue eyes, wait no. The older man has sea-grean eyes. And the younger one has blue eyes.

but the older one looked to be a cook and other one like a gardener. The woman had red hair in pig tails and glasses and also was wearing a maids dress. Even though I'm not gay, I didn't know I said something till I heard it. "K-kawaii..."

I learned that word from Timmy he was the one who was a fan of anime. It seemed the girl started to go beet red. she shock that off, the smaller guy started talking. "Um , excuse me but who are you?" And then the other guy asked, "And why the hell were you sleeping in the trees." He looked at me with a frown. And girl with pig tails whispered to her self. "And why do you have such a nice body..." It seemed at her comments it hit me, she really looks alot like Rin, and these two looked alot like Finny and Bard.

I shock my head then slapped my cheeks hard then softly. Because I knew I'm not dreaming. Then to make sure...I poked their cheeks. It seemed that either flipped or freaked them out. "Well I know you guys are real...Soo, ello my name is (Y/n), what's yours."

I know their names but, you can't go around saying there names like that episode from sponge bob. That seemed to calm them abit, just a smidge. "Hi I'm Finny!" Finny said with a cheerfull smile, even though I only saw one episode of Black Butler. I really like Finny from the start, I closed eye smile. I didn't see the blush that formed on his cheek. "And I'm Bardroy, but call me Bard." he said as he smoked his ciggare. 'Bloody ciggares...' I looked evily at the evil thing that can ruin your health. It seemed he got the memo, and though it away. "A-and I'm May-Rin." She stuttered. I just smiled at them, till I remembered their secound question.

"Oi, wait a minute, I was sleeping on a tree. All I remember is...rememer is..." I didn't want to say it, it hurt to say that I might have already died. It was an untested Top secret work, there was 10% chance that I'm teleported to this place. Or 90% that I really died getting here. "Hey are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look at Finny. I nodded with a smile, it seemed that I caught it this time, him blushing. 'So kawaii!' Then he thought of something. "Do you have a place to stay." He asked, "Well no, I'm afraid not." Well one thing for sure, I'm praying not to be kicked out to the streets. "Why not ask our master for work, I'm sure he needs more workers here." Asked May-Rin, "Are you sure, I don't want to intrude on him." That was a fat lie, I want to see the freakin kid and his little body gaurd. 

As we walked in the halls, I took the chance to see all the beautiful things in this mansion. I couldn't stop aweing, who wouldn't. I was at England once, but in big houses like this, nope. As we made it to a double door to their masters office. 

Well moment of truth if I can get hired.

'Let the story begin'

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