Chapter One

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Can we take a moment to appreciate this waving bear?

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Can we take a moment to appreciate this waving bear?


Ok! Moments over!

Now. On with the story!


Have you every felt like the world hated you? I have. In fact, I'm feeling it now. It's currently eight o'clock in the morning on a Sunday when I'm supposed to be sleeping in and my mother is banging on my bedroom door, screaming at the top of her lungs trying to wake me. . .  Well not screaming per say, more like yelling like the extremely perturbed mum she is.

"Jenna! Get up and out of bed this instant! Do you hear me young lady?!"

I groan and stuff my pillow over my head, I contemplated shouting at her to shut up but I'm afraid that would only increase my chances of getting whooped.

"Don't make me get your father!"

I rolled my eyes, like father would do anything, all he says is "Listen to your mother, Jen", I decided to put her out of her misery and yell back, "I'm up! Calm the farm!"

"Don't tell me to calm the farm young lady! You get dressed this instant!" She yelled back.

I should've expected that.

I sighed and grumbled unladylike words under my breath as I slipped out of the warmness of my bed, After freshening up with a splash of cold water to the face in the bathroom connected to my room,  I dressed myself in ripped black skinny's and a black t-shirt with a lions face roaring on the front, I pulled on my blue converses and snuck out of the room. I could hear mother and father talking in the kitchen, this was my chance! Of course I tried this every Sunday, but who knows, maybe I would actually succeed this time.

I crept down the stairs, watching out for the creaky steps, when I reached the landing safely I tiptoed to the window that was in our lounge, the kitchen was down the hall and if mum or dad came out they would catch me red handed. I pushed the window up ever so gently and put one leg out, ready to run as fast as I could. But. . .

"And just where do you think you're going, young lady?" I could practically feel mums arms crossing and an eyebrow raising. The typical pissed off mum look.

I sighed and dragged my foot back inside, closing the window after me, I turned around and looked down with a solemn look on my disappointed face.

"Nowhere" I mumbled.

"That's what I thought, now go and get some breakfast we leave in an hour"

I trudged past her glaring eyes and down the hall to the kitchen, begrudgingly doing as she wished. Maybe I would escape next Sunday.

Church was a pain as usual, but at least it only lasted till lunch, I had managed to avoid the priests judgy stares and annoying questions. Once we arrived at the safety of our home, I ran upstairs and grabbed the first jacket I could see, it was getting cold. I bounded down the stairs with my phone in hand, and bolted for the door.

"Wait a minute, where are you going?" My father stopped me as my hand held onto the door knob.

I turned around with the sweetest smile I could muster and gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Please dad! I'll be staying at Sophia's, her parents are home and Drake is gone to uni" I pleaded.

He paused for a moment, seemingly weighing his options.

"Don't you need clothes?"

I squealed and gave him a big hug with a sloppy kiss on the cheek, the thing with dad is he pretends to all big and macho but he's really a big softy who happens to love cuddles and kisses, If I had to chose out of my parents which ones my favorite. . . I'd defs choose dad. Sad but true.

"I always borrow Sophia's, thanks dad!" And with that, I left the house and started walking to my best friends house which happened to be a five minute walk.

I hummed my favorite song and started to skip along the cracked pavement, banging my fingers along the metal fence beside me.

I mustn't of been looking where I was going because the next thing I know, I bounce off something hard and and fall onto my butt, I groan and rub my sore rear end as I rise to my feet.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" I manly voice spoke to me, so I bumped into a guy. . . Great! how embarrassing.

"Yeah, yeah I'm f-" I stopped short once my eyes landed on the beautiful specimen that was in front of me. Totally my type!

Ok, Ok, let me describe him.

For starters, he had ebony colored hair that fell over his forehead in tangled waves, he had deep hazel eyes that seemed to go on forever, a body that was shaped like a boxers, and multiple tattoos running all along his arms and even hands, I could even see a couple of loop earring  piercings on his ears and a scar on his lower lip that looked like it once held a ring but had since been ripped out, ouch.

I was gobsmacked, utterly speechless at how gorgeous he was.

It was rather embarrassing actually, why couldn't I stop looking like a fish and talk already!

the corners of his lips pulled up into a knowing smirk, his eyes looked down into my blue ones with mirth. That's another thing, he's tall. . . Very tall. Either that or I'm just impeccably short.

"I-I'm. . . Fine" I finally managed to spit out. Great, now he probably think's im retarded or something.

"Ok, that's good" He replied with an amused smile.

It was then that I realized how close we were standing, if I were to lean up on my tippy-toes I'd be able to reach his tempting lips. . . Gosh, what was I thinking?! I just me the bloody guy!

"Um, yeah, so. . ." Why did I have to be so awkward? I could feel a damn blush rising and right then I wished I was dead.

I looked down to our feet and realized that he was wearing black and white sneakers, cool! I liked them.

He chuckled and his breathed fanned over my face, even his breath smelled glorious! like coffee and chocolate with an after taste of cigars. Why did he have to be perfect?

"So" He smiled and I looked up into his eyes again, I never thought that hazel eyes were interesting, until I saw his, "I actually have somewhere to be, so. . ." He finished, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry for bumping into you" He apologized.

"Oh no, it was totally my fault!"

"Not at all" He smiled again, man I really liked his smile.

 I was about to protest again when he cut me off before I could even start, "See you 'round"

And he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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