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Dear Minnie mouse,

This can't be happening! But it is!
What exactly? Oh I'll tell you.

I am currently sitting on a single bed leaning up against a bare white wall writing this to you. I am stuck in this prison cell for the time being. Okay, you caught me out, but this small room is close enough.

There are no windows and just two doors. One door leads to the rest of the house while the second door leads to a bathroom. Okay, so maybe it isn't just like one of those holding cells you and I always ended up in. But it's still pretty close.

Lilly says it's the only room they have left open here. Where have I heard that before?
I know, I know, I should be grateful for what I have blah blah blah. I can practically hear you scolding me for being so rude in my head. If only I could hear it from you for real just one last time but I guess that's just not going to happen, huh?

Anyways Lilly has been rather kind to me so far. I think I would like her a whole lot better if she didn't chat my ear off.
You two would love each other.

Who is Lilly? She's the lady that is offering her home to me until I graduate. She's also my legal guardian now. Well, since a week ago. She and Henry, her husband, will be looking after me. They have welcomed me into their home with open arms. Unfortunately I can't say the same about their sons.

Get this right, they have 7 sons! Yes you heard me right, 7! 7 annoyingly handsome sons that know nothing about living with a girl. Not one of them have welcomed me so get those match making ideas out of your head.

Well I'm rather exhausted so I'll chat with you some other time.

Love you dearly,

PS Wish me luck!

I just want to say that this story is for my dear friend who has been begging me to write and publish this book for nearly a year now. So Grace Ho, I am now begging you: please get off my back! Love ya ❤💙💚💛💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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