Moving On

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*Beep Beep* I hear the sound of my alarm going off. I reach over and turn off my alarm. "Ugh 7AM already." I moaned to myself. I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to start the coffee pot. I went back to my room and dug through my dresser drawers. Pulled out my black leotard and skin-tone tights, and laid them on my bed. Once I got out of the shower, I threw on my underwear and a robe. I went back to make me a cup of coffee and some toast for breakfast. I sat down at my kitchen table and started to look through my notifications. 'Oh cool Suga released So Far Away.' I clicked on it not reading the description or title. 'Wait this sounds different than what is on his mixed tape.' When the chorus begin my jar drops. "That is Jin and Jungkook, instead of Suran. Wow! It is good." I saved the song to my playlist. Defiantly a song I want to dance too.

I got up and went back to my room to my makeup vanity. I put on very light makeup and blow dried my hair, putting my hair up into a dancers bun when finished. I was planning on getting to the studio a little bit earlier then normal today. So, I got dressed and threw on my converse and headed out the door.

I went straight to studio 3. The same studio room I've been using to practice my solos in. I dropped my bag, went to the stereo and plugged in my mp3 player. I hit shuffle, then began to stretch and warmup. Once I was ready I went and changed to Jungkook's Lost Stars Cover and began dancing. I was in the middle of the dance when I heard the door close. "Jagiya!" I heard. 'Really I haven't heard from you in months.' "What are you doing here?" I asked as I went to turn the music off. "I came to see you." he said as he hugged me. "Nice of you to think of me now." I said as I pushed him off of me. "What does that mean?" he asked with a confused look on his face. "Oh just that, you hardly text, call, or even come to practice anymore. I had to talk to E.J. and see if I could do a solo because of you." I said as I went to my bag to get my water bottle. "I am sorry jagiya." he said as he tried to grab my hand. "No! Is that all you have to say? Sorry?" I said as I pulled my hand away. "Well here is what I have to say. Since you seem to no longer have time for me, then why do we not end it?" I demanded. "Wae? Is that what you really want? Wait is there someone else?" he said starting to get angry. "Really? You have the nerve to ask me if I have someone else, when it was you that disappeared." I said with tears in my eyes and hate in my voice. "And ne it is what I want." I said as I went back to the stereo and restarted the music. Chung turned around and stormed out slamming the studio door behind him.

I was so angry at Chung for thinking the breakup was my fault and not his. I ran over to my bag and grabbed my phone out. Without realizing what I was doing, I sent a message.
"Yah did you still want to come see me dance? If so, I will be in studio 3. I will tell the lady up front." I put my phone back in my bag. I changed my shoes back to my converse and threw on a pair of grey capri sweats I had in my bag. I went and changed my music to my hip-hop playlist. I had to dance out my anger and frustration.

I was so wrapped up dancing to Desiigner Panda that I never noticed I had company till the end. The next song came on but I needed water. I turned off my music and grabbed my water bottle. "You are good." I heard as I was taking a drink. I nearly spit my water out when I heard him. "Oh thank you. When did you get here?" I asked as I grabbed my towel to wipe the sweat off my face and neck. "I was able to see the whole dance." he said as he smiled at me and walked closer. "What is wrong? You seem upset?" he asked as he pulled me into a hug. "Oh nothing actually now. I was mad earlier, but not anymore." I told him as I went to sit on the floor. "Ok, why were you mad eariler?" he asked as he sat down next to me. "It is stupid. I want to forget about it. Ok?" I said as I took another drink of water. "Ok, I will not push." he said as he bumped my right side, which made me giggle. "What are you doing after this?" he asked. "Nothing." I said as I laid down on the floor. "You have to be hungry. Want to get some food and go back to your place or my dorm?" he asked, as he moved down to my head and lifted my head up into his lap. "Sure. My place is close by. Walking distance actually." I replied. "Ok, your place then." he said. "Can I see the dance to Lost Stars?" he asked. "Ok, let me change my shoes and remove my sweats." I said as I leaned up. Jungkook got up as well and walked over to my mp3 player hooked up to the stereo. "It's under my Jungk...well your playlist." I told him as I wrapped my ballet laces around my calves. I walked to my starting point. "Ready?" he asked looking back at me. "Ne" I replied as I got into my starting position. Music began and I danced as gracefully as I could. I danced as if I was already on stage performing for the audience, but it was just for him. The song ended and he began to clap. "Wow! That was beautiful!" he said as he came and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you." I replied. "Let me pack up and we can go." I told him as I sat down to change my shoes. I grabbed my long cardigan and slipped it on. Jungkook grabbed my bag and threw it over his shoulder.

We stop at a little cafe and ordered come food to go. Once we made it to my apartment, I took my key out of my cardigan pocket. "This is me." I said as I put the key in the lock and opened the door. I entered first and kicked off my shoes, he followed. "Nice place. Is it just you?" he asked as he came in futher. "Ne just me. You can put the food on the coffee table, there. I will be right back. I need to change." I told him as I leaned on the back of my couch. "Sure. No problem." he replied as he started to take the food out of the paper bag. "Ok. Make yourself at home." I said as I went into my room. I grabbed a baby blue t-shirt, white pajama shorts, and long grey socks. I let my hair down and rejoined Jungkook in my living room.

"Would you like some water or juice? That is all I have, sorry." I asked him as I shut my bedroom door. "Water is good." he replied as he was looking through my movies. I pour us both some water and joined him in the living room. I sat the glasses on the table and sat down on the couch. "Pick whatever you want to watch." I told him as he pulled out an American movie, Adam Sandler's Click. "I have not seen this movie in a while." I told him as he came and sat down beside me. We ate our food while watching the movie. "Ok. I am full now." I said as I put what I had left back on the coffee table. "Me too." he said as he did the same. The movie was coming to an end. "Would it be ok if I stayed here tonight? I can sleep on the couch." he asked as I was getting up to take the leftover food and containers to the kitchen. "Sure that is fine. I do have to be at the studio by 10AM, though." I replied. "That works. I am just not ready to leave yet." he said as he helped me with the food containers. "Let me go get you a blanket and pillow." I said as I turned around and headed to my room. I got him what he would need to sleep on the couch and returned. "I picked another movie." he said as he was putting it into the DVD player. "Ok." I said as I sat back down on the couch. He came and sat back down on the couch as well. We started to take selcas together on each others phones. I even took a few of just me with his phone and he did the same with my phone. We talked and laughed. We really did not watch the movie. At some point he put his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and that is all I remember.

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