Prologue - The First Appearance

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The male stood tall, brushing a flock of deep brown hair out of his eye. This was a dare, and a damn annoying one at that. The forest loomed over him, darkness enshrouding the area. A fog was brewing in the distance. He sighed heavily, putting his hands in his suit pockets as he walked carefully to the small campsite of his. A single tent, a small firepit, and a tiny box that could cool things down was there. Good. Nothing was touched.

As the night began, that's when the storm of terror began. Howls. Footsteps. "Is someone there?" The once was asleep man groaned out, sitting up and sluggishly crawling out of the tent to be greeted by footsteps in the leaves below him. However, nothing was taken. "What in the earth?...." As he got up, he noticed two figures, a young male and a young female, staring at him. They were entirely black, and their eyes and mouths glowed a faint white. The boy, judging from his height, was around 15, as was the girl. He grew closer to the pair, who stayed where they were. Then the movement was noticed.

No sound was being made, however the motion was clear. They were tapping their left foot, both of them. When the man looked closer, footprints were there. As he went to talk with them, they vanished.

The first sighting of the lost twins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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