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Hi my name Trey but I recently changed it to Brooke. But anyway ever since a little boy I have always looked like a girl. I even remember this one time me and my mom were at the store and a lady had said " what a beautiful little girl" . I was always wondering why I wasn't A girl instead but my mom just thought it was a phase but it really wasn't. Later in life I thought I had gotten ridden of that phase but in school me and my parents noticed that I was always hanging around girls and not boys. Shortly after that my mom accepted the fact that I wanted to be a girl but my dad didn't so he left he said he can't deal with a transgender 😭😭😭. But the good news was that I never really liked him either,so I was kinda happy. But my happiness died down a lot when school started coming into the picture. People always called me names such as Slut , Wanna be , faggot, I would cry all the time when I got home but I easily learned to lock the haters out and they stopped picking on me ,I thought it was over but then I made a daring decision I decided to where all my makeup to school that day. Some of my friends knew I wore makeup because I wore it on the days we didn't have school. But I decided to do it. But people still picked on me but I kept my head held high and I did it............. I walked into the girls bathroom and all of the girls ran out and said "ewwww""wtf why are you in here"" I am on my period"you are disgusting " and some more stuff too too .I just ran home right in the middle of a school day but I didn't care. When I got home I took a knife , ran the water for the tub and tried to do a Hannah Baker but my friends Maddie busted down the door and called 911 when they got there they had to sedate me and I woke up in the hospital with my mom and Maddie they kept saying " Are you ok" and I am like are you fucking kidding me I just tried to kill myself because I got bullied and now you have the guts to ask me am I ok but to thoroughly answer your question no mom I am not ok.I asked my mom to leave and Maddie told me something and that was that she is trans too and I was like "what " and she was like "I am not joking 🙃, those days we didn't hang out I was getting my hormone injections. And a few days later I felt a lot better 😂😂 . I went back in school (now in college) looking sexy asf !!!!!

College ended and I had a masters degree for modeling and I got offered so many jobs I finally picked one

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College ended and I had a masters degree for modeling and I got offered so many jobs I finally picked one . I picked Cover girl and I am still sexy I would sometimes see people from high school on the streets and they were like "Trey I am so so 😐 sorry" I knew they were just saying that now because I am a professional model now (can't blame them) but I still didntbforgive them so I say" I don't give a fuck about y'all sorrys and all of that, you guys are only saying that now because you know I better than you now , so no I don't forgive you " . Then I walk away yelling " and the name is Brooke so get that straight". I felt really good that I handled that all on my one. I am living the dream I am a millionaire, have a butler in my beautiful penthouse,and I have the best job in the world that still pays good money 💰 . So that is the story of my life. P.S this is all a fictional story. Here are some of my modeling photos.

 Here are some of my modeling photos

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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