Chapter 13: misunderstood

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Okay I desperately want to finish this tonight even if I have to do an "all nighter"



Today we had a mission as team Kakashi just great I'm stuck with weirdos -_-

Sakura gives me glares every time Im in 28 centimetre range from Sasuke

Speaking of Sasuke he hasn't dared to look at me even though he knows I'm giving him the evil eye.

-.- what a bastard I still need to explain that I DID NOT choose Itachi over him or Gaara

What should I do?

"Mezuri are you okay you look pale..." Kakashi said checking my temperature.

"Mmm maybe you shouldn't have came with us you have a very high fever"

"I do?" I said completely confused of what was going on

Kakashi then winked at me and I got the hint I think.

"Ohh that sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier that I had a fever....." I acted

"What really?!" Naruto said running in front of me, taking off his head band and placing his forehead on mine.

"W-what are you doing n-Naruto?!" I said

"It does look like you have a fever Mezuri its really hot" he said taking his forehead off of mine and putting on his head band again.

Sasuke was soooooo JEALOUS!!! I could tell cause he looked pissed off at Naruto.

"Sasuke did I do something wrong?" Naruto asks Sasuke

"Nothing" he just says

"Arrogant won't even say he's jealous" I mumbled under my breath

"I heard that Mezuri" Sasuke said and My face froze.

wait a sec do I really have a fever cause Naruto said my forehead was hot plus I do feel a little dizzy....

"So what's this mission about?" I asked

"All you guys have to do is deliver a secret note to a certain person" Kakashi replied

That's probably the time I blacked out.

Naruto's POV

I caught Mezuri after she fainted. Sasuke was worried but Sakura acted normally.

"Should I take her back?" I asked Kakashi

"Yeah drop her off at the hospital you can continue on this mission if you want after that" Kakashi said

"Yep ill be right back" I piggy backed Mezuri and ran off.

"Sasuke what's up with you?"


I was nearly at the gates but I was stopped by Itachi.

"Why are you here?" I asked

"What happened to Mezuri?" He asked

"She fainted why do you want to know?"

"I was going to get her but it seems like she's busy" Itachi then disappeared.

I walked to the hospital and Mezuri was taken away. After waiting a while I got to see Mezuri.

"she's very sick we don't know
what's wrong with her" the nurse said

I guess I shouldn't go back on the mission.

Mezuri's POV

I woke up on a hospital bed and I saw Naruto sleeping on the side of the bed.

I have a pounding headache and everything hurts again......

"N-Naruto...." I hardly whispered

Naruto was sound asleep still not moving. I then tried to move my legs so I could kick him awake but no such thing happened.

I sat up weakly and a nurse came in.

"He must be a great boyfriend I heard he skipped a mission and stayed here the whole time you were here, he refuses to go home" the nurse said

BOYFRIEND?!? No no no! I wanted to tell her that we were only friends but I couldn't seem to speak so I gave a little nod.

"Your chakra is dangerously low..... You shouldn't push yourself to much in training"

One problem I haven't trained in a while......

"It is possible someone was taking your chakra without you even knowing by the way you've been here for 3 days" She then left

I've been here for three days?! Naruto stayed here for 3 DAYS?!

I decided to get changed back into my clothes and leave but my body wouldn't co-operate.

I realised the nurse left the door open so I just sat there leaning against the wall on a hospital bed staring outside the door.

That's when something weird happened Neji passed by and looked at me, he then walked back to my door.

"What happened to you?" He asked

"I - I don't know......." I whispered softly

"What?, I can't hear you" he than made his way to my bed and leaned in closer to my mouth.

"I said I don't know....." I said softly

*Naruto yawns*

"Hey Mezuri your up - AAAA!!! NEJI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Naruto yelled

Neji moved away from my face and stared at Naruto.

"What do you think I was doing?" He asked

"Y-you and Mezuri k-kissed?!?!?"

"What?! No!" Neji said blushing,"she had a soft voice so I had to move closer so I could hear her!"

Naruto was still in pure shock.

"it's ok Naruto he's telling the truth" I said a little louder than usual

"Oh ok......" Naruto said as Neji ran out the door.

Love bug (sasuke and gaara love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora