27. Texting

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Row 🌞

Soooo r u ever gonna tell me what's going on with you?!?!

I don't know what you're talking about...

R u serious right now?!?
How about what's going on with u and Peyton?!?

There's nothing going on between me and Peyton
He's made that quite clear

Sweetie come on...

She's gonna break his heart 😢

How do u know that?

It doesn't matter

Of course it matters!!!!
Honey we all know u care about him and u would never want him to be unhappy

But u have to promise not to tell him!!!


She kinda.....
She kinda told me to stay away from Pey

Excuse me WHAT?!?!

After the other day when Peyton and I were talking back and forth about provoking the fangirls

You have got to be kidding me!!!
She's just threatened by u Row

She HAS Peyton, why would she feel threatened by me??

Because he likes YOU!!!!

You're insane
I appreciate u trying to make me feel better but I'm gonna be okay
I just have to get used to a life without Peyton
I'll be fine


I'll be fine Sabs 😊
Love you 💗

Love you too Row 💛

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