Chapter Six: The Attack

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of distant footsteps. I shook Saskia and Tamana awake. "Shhh!" I whispered. "Listen. Do you hear that? It sounds like footsteps. What should we do?" I asked Saskia. "If we walk or run they'll hear us, but if we stay here, whoever it is will eventually come across us. There's no place to hide!" Saskia thought for a moment.

"Well I guess we should move as quickly and quietly as we can." She answered. I picked up Tamana so that she didn't make any noise.

"Shhhh Tamana. Everything is going to be okay." I told her. We ran tiptoeing, but whoever it was was going faster and they would come across us any second. "BANG BANG!" Gun fire. It was so painfully loud I could barely move. Saskia dragged me because I couldn't walk from the pain so we ducked to avoid the bullets. Men in black were right behind us standing still. One of the men shouted. His voice pounded and I felt throbbing in my head. I started to cry from the pain. but we kept running. They raised their clubs and ran after us. One man knocked Saskia off her feet and started beating her. "No! No stop! Don't hurt her!" I screamed at the man. I ran over to help Saskia but a club hit my leg. I fell down in pain with Tammana in my arms. One of the men grabbed Tamana. Somehow I managed to stand on my feet. I kicked the man in the crotch and he fell down. I grabbed Tamana. I ran over to Saskia and men were surrounding her and beating her. A man wearing baggy pants turned around and hit me in the face. Hard. Blood streamed down from my forehead into my eyes. I could barely see. I kept running and striking the men that I passed. Another man hit me with his club in the back of my legs and I fell to the ground. I couldn't get up. Saskia was underneath me. The man rolled me over and to my horror he started pulling off my skirt. He took off his pants. "No! No!" I begged. There was no use. Blood and tears rolled down my face. He raped me. There was a pool of blood in between my legs. And then I saw one of the men raise his gun at Tamana. he aimed it for her head but missed and shot her in the arm. With Tamana in my arms, I managed to get over to Saskia. "We have to fly." I whispered. The three of us started floating. The men chased after us. The agonizing sound of gunfire and shouting echoed from behind us. 

"We order you to stop!" I turned around and faced them with a fierce expression.

"I do not have to listen to you! You are not in control of me or my friends!" I said. Immediately out of nowhere, bullet-proof water created a barrier between us. The men tried shooting everywhere from the floor to the ceiling and from left to right, but the water protected us. "That was amazing Saskia!" I told her.

"I didn't do that." Saskia said. "I thought you did!"

"No, it wasn't me."

"I did it!" Tamana said, pride in her voice. We turned and looked at her.

"You saved us!" Saskia told her. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome!" She said. "I love you!" My eyes filled with tears.

"Aww! Saskia, did you hear that? She loves us!" I said.

"Yeah. that's so sweet." Saskia said.

"We love you too!"

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 If we keep flying will reach the shore within a few hours. We told stories to pass the time. Before we knew it it was morning.

"We're finally here!" Said Tamana. We had reached the shore. 

"Let's eat breakfast out on the beach." I said as Saskia and I prepared breakfast. After, Tamana and I played in the sand and splashed in the waves. She looked like she was having so much fun. "Maybe before we build the boat we should let Tamana play on the beach for a while" I said.

"That's a great idea." Saskia said. We ate our breakfast of berries and coconuts, then made sand angels and collected lots of beautiful sea shells. 

"You know Tamana," I told her, "if it weren't for you we'd probably be dead. We weren't in a state in which we were connected to our cells and the universe  back in the cave so we couldn't access our magic.  But you were."

"Now," said Saskia, "we need to plot a course to Europe. I was thinking we could cross the Arabian Sea into the Indian Ocean, and then keep going through the Atlantic Ocean until we reach Europe."

"Great idea. Now we just have to figure out how to make the boat."

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