Chapter Twenty-Six

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It wasn't until a couple of days later that they got to bring Johnny home. When they arrived the entire gang was standing in the living room. When a look of confusion crossed Shay's face they parted. There fully assembled was Johnny's crib. "What's the kids name?" Steve asked, he hadn't been at the hospital, neither had Two-Bit.


"Johnny Curtis Winston." Shay replied simply.


"Tuff enough." Was all he said. They all took turns holding him, I was a little worried when it came to Pony. Darry had told me he had started to become real absent minded, and was startin' to do bad in school. But he took Johnny gentley. As he gazed in the kids eyes a look of sadness crossed his. Shay took Johnny from his arms.


"I was thinkin', if y'all wanted I'd really like Pony and Steve to be the god-parents." Shay muttered.


Steve and Pony just looked at her, Steve's eyes lightened a little, but Pony's mouth hung open. "Whadda 'bout me?" Soda asked, crossing his arms.


"Oh hush up Sodapop Patrick Curtis, I wanted Steve to be apart of this to, hell y'all are. If ya wanna ya'll can take turns babysitting." She said cheerily.


"I dunno if I can take care of a kid.." Soda began.


"Ya take care of Pony." She countered.


"I mean a little little kid." He replied.


"Well we'll test it out." She said smiling.


Dally looked tired. "I heard ya just 'bout broke Dal's hand." Two-Bit said cracking a grin.


"Betcha I could still whoop your ass." Dally snapped.


Shay cast a look at him. "No cussing theres a kid here." She scolded. As she was walking in he room she stubbed her toe off the door frame. She let out a string of curses.


"And you told me to watch my mouth." Dally muttered. The guys lifted the crib into the room, Shay delicately placed the baby in there after changing him into his nighties.


She shooed everyone out and left the door open only a little bit. "Now no rough housin'. Who wants some food?" They all shouted their replies. "There's a baby sleeping!" She hushed them, they hung their heads, 'cept for Two-Bit who laughed slightly and took a seat on the couch.


"So what does it feel like Pops?" He poked at Dally.


"I'll show ya how it feels." He reeled back his fist and was about to pop Two-Bit in the mouth.


"Knock it off!" She glared at the two of them, Dally slowly lowered his fist. Two-Bit smirked. But then Dally leaned in.


"She ain't around all the time.." He said threateningly. Two-Bit's eyes widened, it was Dally's turn to smirk. Shay shook her head.


She cooked up some food, just a few pieces of chicken and some fries, she laid it in the centre of the table and it was basically devoured in a few minutes. "Wow, y'all eat like horses." She commented.


"Well the foods decent." Soda said, grinning wildly.


"Decent? Are you saying my food's only decent?" She said, offended, taking the plate from in front of him.


"Oh com'on Shay you know I didn't mean it like that.. I was only kiddin'." He whined.


She laughed and laid the plate down in front of him. "But guess who's doin' the dishes?" She asked, swirling back to the stove.


"The baby?" He replied, looking awfully serious.


"Ya right, it'd be you." She tapped the fork lightly off the stove. She finally sat down to eat, even though she had to kick Dally out of his seat. Which he protested to, saying this was his house to. He shut his mouth when she asked who's parents actually bought it.


They continued their little chat until there was a knock at the door. Three short taps. She jumped up to answer it, who stood there honestly shocked her.


"Heard ya got a baby?" He said, cocking an eyebrow. Dally walked up and put his hand on the door frame, leaning on the opposite side. "Get lost hood." He directed towards Dally.


"Don't tell anyone what to do in my house. Or I'll let him beat you black and blue." Shay crossed her arms.


"Whatcha can't let your boyfriend fight his own battles?" He countered. That's when Dally walked up and punched him square in the face. You could tell he wasn't expecting it. But you don't threaten Dally, or talk trash about him. Simple as that. Three more Socs appeared behind him. The gang came out to see what was going on.


"Hey I heard bone crackin' Shay is Dally beatin' you aga-" Two-Bit was cut off as he rounded the corner and saw who was standin' there.


"Didn't we kick your ass at the rumble?" Steve questioned. Shay looked over her shoulder, they were all slouched and had a dangerous edge to them.


"Nobody kicked our asses." Paul countered.


The gang stepped forward. "You're on our turf, watch it." Soda said.


"Well why don't you just show us what you're gonna do about it." One of Paul's friends said mockingly. Shay recognized him, it was Mark. He had always had an attitude problem.


The gang walked out the door and towards the Socs, Darry told Shay to keep Pony out of it. She she caught him by the shirt-tail and hauled him towards her. "Stay outta it." She whispered warningly.


Two more Socs came out from the dark of the night. "Get off our turf." Soda warned one more time. Mark stepped forward and pushed Soda, "Whaddya gonna do about it Grease?" In response Soda hit him in the gut, that's when it was basically every man for himself. The Socs didn't really have a good chance, they all looked smaller than the gang. When Soda finally gave Mark one last kick he retreated back to the car. Paul spat out a mouthful of blood. "It ain't over trash." He said towards Dally. "One day you won't have your friends. So watch out." He threatened.


Pony and Shay let the gang back in the house. A bruise was starting to form on Soda's cheek, Steve had his lip cut open and a small cut above his left eye. Dally wasn't exactly gripping his side, but he was favoring it. Two-Bit was still smiling even with the black eye he was gonna get. Darry didn't have much 'cept for a few little scratches.


Then Paul's words rang in the back of Shay's mind. One day you won't have your friends.


A/N:  Still looking for book trailers and new covers :)  Vote and comment :)

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