My Ex. ( my actual character)

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Name: Bob Richard Axton Smith
Nickname: "Bobby-boy" "Fitz"
Meaning of name: A german name meaning bright; shining.
Origin of name: Germany?
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Blood type: Undecided
Nationality: Blobeise American (I'll explain Blobeise when I publish my stories)
Ethnicity: Blobeise American
Race: Blobeise American
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Current status: Single
Political Party: Democrat?
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Undecided
Socioeconomic level as a child: I don't get this question.
Socioeconomic level as an adult
Birth date: March 21
Birth place: Virginia, NC
Current residence: 6163, Roseville Wilsboro
Occupation: Unemployed

Title/Rank: None
Hobbies/Pastimes: He can sing, dance, and draw pretty well.
Talents/Skills/Powers: Drawing and singing, and dancing. This universe, which he belongs, has no superpowers.

Past History

Hometown: Georgia
First Memory: Chewing on his sleeve, whimpering and slowly walking around the city as "WANTED" photos of his twin sister Kitlyn hung around the town. His mother and cops around, Dad too, telling about Kitlyn going missing on the news.
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: That one, but it wasn't the most traumatic thing he remembers. Him and his siblings, and at the moment was just him and his twin, were separated from their mother and father at age 4. They were abused with another foster mother until she was locked up, and they returned to their original family. They have very, very, bad memories.
Other memories/events that still affects him/her and why/how: Remembering having his eyelashes cut, dipped in alcohol, and spilled into his eyes floating in the entire bottle of alcohol.
Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why:
Biggest role model: Probably... Kim Kardashian. He literally worships her.
Biggest disillusions from childhood:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'2 
Weight: I think 93? He's extremely skinny. 
Posture: Perfectly straight!
Build: Frail, but not dying.
Skin: He is tan caramel. Looks lighter in well, light.
Hair: His hair is jet black, and sometimes can look dark brown.
Widow's peak? Once.
Ears: Normal, but have a small point only able to notice if you look close.
Eyes: jet black baby 
Nose: thin.
Mouth: His lips are medium and naturally pink. If he's just waking up, they become beige-pink.
Face shape: Long heart?
Expressions: ?
Describe their smile: His smile is shiny and bright, and he usually tends to look downwards when he smiles. His medium lips squeeze in thinness when he smiles without showing teeth. 
Tattoos/Scars? He has the tattoo of a heart with an arrow through it on the side of his hip.
Glasses/Contacts? Sometimes he wears black turtle-shell glasses, and those are reading glasses.
Left/Right handed? Self-taught ambidextrous.
Distinguishing features: He has a natural glow to his skin, visibly in light without makeup. You'd notice his long eyelashes, and how every freaking bone in his neck is visible.
Who does s/he take after; mother or father? Mother.
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): If clothing, his style is very elegant and rich. He likes wearing velvet bodysuits, and black shades.
How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear? Last question.
Other outfits one might find in their wardrobe: He also has a second style. This consists of turtlenecks, ripped jeans, and sweaters. This is when he wears his glasses, and he calls this, "personal space". Wearing this means he's reading, sipping on tea, and probably at the lake studying.
Jewelry: He has some lust for earrings and pearls.
Other accessories: He has a lip and nose ring. He doesn't wear them often.
Weapons: None.
Health: Pretty good?
Hygiene: Unbelievable.
Physical Flaws: a natural bundle of sticks. His little sister takes after this, oh boy does she.
Physical Qualities: Huge eyes, long eyelashes. 

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