Chapter 11: More Kits to Come

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Jayfeather's POV:
I couldn't wait to "see" Stoneteller, that is, the new Stoneteller. He was so fair to everyone. I also wanted to find out more about Brooks kits. The last time I came here, they were so fuzzy and (I can only guess) cute! Splash led us up the slope. Soon my paws were going to need a poultice of burdock roots! As we got closer, Splash started to slow down. She signaled us to stop walking with a flick of her tail. Her hunter's crouch was way different than ours. After what seemed like moons, she pounced on a fat snow hare. I could tell by its lovely come-eat-me-Jayfeather scent. She dragged the plump hare back to us.
"I'd let you eat it, but...prey is pretty scarce up here. Each cat gets to eat about a small mouse a day." she sounded way less energetic now.
"Well, we know all about starving," Squirrelstar commented dryly.
"Yes, I won't let you starve!" Sunkit piped up.

I loved him. He was so cute.

It was my duty to bring back the hare, showing the Tribe that they had our full respect.

We finally got there. Almost everyone was sleeping or lying down. I could tell; I searched more than ten minds for thoughts.

"Ah, more Clan cats?" Stoneteller's scent was drifting toward me. I quickly searched Squirrelstar's mind. 

Yup. He looked thin and old. Crag, as his name used to be, was about Dovewing's age. He should have looked lean and strong. I wish I knew how to hunt. I would keep them nice and healthy. Seriously. Why couldn't they hunt? I guess they were too weak to hunt.

"Yes, yes, we have the two kits. They sure are a pawful! I'm not sure how you manage them. Well, I guess w—"

I heard Squirrelstar gasp. Oh, StarClan, help us all!

"Huh? Kits? ThunderClan?? Oh. I knew I hadn't seen them saying goodbye to us. Leopardpaw and Cougarpaw. They must have followed us from behind, and rolled in some kind of smelly stuff to block their scent! "Oh, wait till Dovewing finds out! She'll be so angry, and you know that Squirrelstar could exile you, right?"

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