Chapter 1

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My name is Jamie, a 16 year old living in chilly New York. All year-round, unlike the new boy my family is taking in for a year all the way from Sweden. A cute little toddler Sweden boy would be nice. Maybe I could take him for ice cream when he's feeling home sick. What do they call it in Sweden? Gelato? Whatever it is, it is probably yummy. And I like yummy stuff.

"T-minus 1 day until Phillip is here!!" My mom
Screams as I walk down the stairs. Phillip... sounds like a fun kid.

"Yes mom I know," I say agonized by my mother's everyday reminder that I won't be a single child for much longer. Of course I'm not horribly dreading the whole situation, but no one is asking for a growing boy to move in with them for a year. Has he even started to grow?

The age of the boy is unknown by my whole family. All the company told us was that he was a boy, named Philip. I know that's weird but it doesn't rattle my mother, nor father, one bit.

But it bothered me. I was nervous that he could be my age, or older. I have no idea why it was such a big deal, but it was. Aren't foreign people ugly or something? Who knows. But if he is my age he better be hotter than Carl Gallagher or I don't think he will be able to live with me.

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