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The drive to school the next morning was just as awkward as the ride back from the beach. Nathan and I didn't speak to each other. I don't blame him for not saying anything. I basically told him that I didn't trust him. 

I pulled into the parking lot and Nathan surprised me by engulfing me in a huge hug. He kissed me on the head and draped his arm around my shoulder. 

"I wish we had the same classes together, Nina. But I want you to know that regardless, I'll always protect you." 

I flinched at the word 'always'. I knew that it wasn't true, and it hurt me to hear these words that were just blatant lies.

Nathan told me he had to 'sort some things out' with his cheerleader "friend". He acted very suspicious about the whole thing, but I ignored it. I rolled my eyes and headed to my locker after parting ways with him. I knew he was going to try really hard for a few days, but I knew from experience that it wouldn't last long. Let's just say that you could tell from all of my brother's relationships that he wasn't a very committed person.

I saw green eyes in the hallway as I was walking to my locker. We locked eyes for a minute and he furrowed his brows as he saw me. I looked away from his hypnotic eyeballs and continued walking. I didn't like Negative Nyle, anyway.

All my morning classes went very smoothly. Eventually, lunch came around. As I expected, Nathan was waiting for me at my locker. When he saw me, he grinned. 

"Eating with the loser today, I see?" a jock scoffed as he passed by my brother. 

In the blink of the eye, Nate grabbed him by the collar of his letterman jacket and threw him against the lockers. 

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?!" he roared in his face. 

The jock put his hands up in surrender.

 "I-I'm s-sorry man! I didn't mean it!" he stammered. 

Nathan lowered his voice and said something else to the guy that I couldn't decipher. From the way the jock's face paled, I'm sure it was a deadly threat.

 Eventually, Nathan let go and the guy scrammed away. Nathan had his famous look-of-hatred in his eyes, and it was terrifying. This was the overprotective Nate that appeared every once in a while. 

Nathan rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he approached me. 

"Everyone's staring at us." I whispered to him. 

"Who cares?" he laughed back. 

We headed off to lunch together marching down the dead silent hallway, and I have to say, I felt good. 

After a good lunch with just Nathan and I, I had to go to my dreaded class with Jeremy. I had already decided that if he tried anything, I would fight back. 

Jeremy was already in class, and as I approached the desk, I noticed that he was icing his left cheek, which was black and blue. He scowled at me as I sat down. 

"Your brother is fucking psycho." He muttered to me.

Oh no. Nathan never went to go sort things out with a cheerleader. He left to hunt down Jeremy and beat him up just like he had said yesterday. This wasn't going to end well. Jeremy will just want to get him back. 

Jeremy looked over to me with a somewhat sincere expression. 

"I'm sorry for what I did on the first day, Nina. I really am." 

I didn't answer him, and instead I looked away. Did he really mean that? I couldn't trust anyone anymore. Jeremy could easily go back to his sociopath ways once Nathan stops caring again. It was only a matter of time. 

The rest of class went by smoothly. Jeremy and I didn't talk and I let him ice his face in peace. 


I held my head up high as I sauntered into the music hall. I wasn't going to let anyone tear me down today. I saw green eyes in the corner practicing his guitar with one of his 'friends'. She was the cheerleader-type, but more of a music queen bee. I didn't know her, but I knew I didn't want to. 

Nyle glanced up and locked his eyes with mine. He had an unreadable expression on his face, and he swatted the girl away and put down his guitar as he stood up and began to approach me. 

"Ditching already, new girl?" he smirked at me. 

I scoffed in disbelief and put my hands on my hips. 

"You don't know what you're talking about, green eyes." 

His eyes widened in surprise. 

"A nickname for me already?" he winked.

I internally groaned. Nyle. His name is Nyle. Why do I keep thinking of him as green eyes? More importantly, why was I even talking to this jerk? 

"Leave me alone." I said in a small whisper. 

I scanned the room for the other girl that Nyle sang with on the first day. I saw her on the other side of the room and immediately jogged over to her. I didn't know her, but it was time to make a friend. And I needed to get away from green ey-Nyle.

I plopped down in the squeaky foldable chair next to her and she looked genuinely surprised. 

"You're Janet, right?" I inquired. 

She began to laugh, and it was calming. 

"Actually, my name is Jade. For some reason Mrs. Peters just never gets it right, but I've never bothered to correct her." 

"Oh! Well nice to meet you, Jade! I'm Nina." 

We shook hands rather formally. Jade released my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

"I already know that we're gonna be great friends." she whispered into my ear. 

"And my first bit of friend advise for you: Stay away from Nyle Williams." 

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