Out side

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Hey look! I'm alive.....


Melody's POV

I'm tired of not being able to go outside... I am gonna sneak out! But I need a plan. I will ask mama for juice while my siblings are at scare school and dada is at work. And when she go and gets it I'll run outside! Perfect!!! " Mama??" I called out. " Yes my Melody?" She called out." Can I have some juice???" I asked.. " sure! Let me go some, stay right there." She answered. Nows my chance to run. I ran outside and practically fell in the beautiful cold green grass..  Then a herd a gasping shriek. " MELODY!?!? GET INSIDE NOW!" My mother shouted... " ok..... sorry." I said as I trudged to the house. I herd movement in the grass... that's when it hit me... Uncle Ennard has been following us... I felt a tug on my arm. I turned to see mama pulling me in the house away from whatever was in that grass. " DO YOU SEE WHY YOU CANT GO OUTSIDE???" She screamed. " I'm sorry... I never knew" I started to cry. " oh I can never stay mad at you.." she told me and then hugged me tight. " So this is where you keep your little pumpkin.." a familiar voice said from the door. " Enard?!" Mama screamed. " Uncle E-Enard " I stuttered in fright. " I thought Dad cursed this place so you can't get in...." Mama started yelling at him. " I have my ways..." he told mama.. " Honey run to your room now" mama whispered to me. And I ran as fast as I could.

Ballora's POV

After Melody ran to her room. Enard started to yell too " You know she's mine!!" He yelled. " I CALLED THE DEAL OF!" I screamed loud enough to wake my father... Freddy. " What's going on here!?" He shouted coming in the room. " Enard?! I thought I told you to leave... if you don't I will kick you out myself.." he said. " FINE!" He shouted storming out of the house. " Honey!! I'm home!!" Puppet yelled. " WHY IS THE BACK DOOR OPEN?!" He screamed.. " it's ok I'll tell you everything" I calmed him down...

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