Fighters of Joy

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 People swarmed into the small room, knocking me down every time someone passes me. I finally got into the room and took a seat in the back. A couple of girls walk over to me. 

“That is our seat. Just to clarify that, new girl.” Exclaimed a prissy brunet.

“Sorry. Is there some sort of seating arrangement? I asked, being sarcastic. 

“Yeah, and if you dare to sit in this seat again, it would be one big mistake.” She yelled.

I got up from the seat, not wanting to be the center of attention on the first day. I looked around, not seeing any other seat in the room. The teacher saw me and motioned me to a table across the room. I walked over, and saw that there a guy was sitting there. He was pretty cute, in a way. He had brown hair, with high cheek bones. He odd thing is that one eye was green and the other one was blue. I sat across from him, and then the teacher started to talk. I was new to this school. My family moved from Florida to Selby, England. My name is Armis Holland. 

The teacher passed out paper, since I was in art class. I didn’t listen very well to the directions. We made some type of clay pot, mine was a total wreck, and of course the snooty brunet girl’s art was very good. 

“Useless talent art.” The green, blue eyed guy said. I snickered a little bit. I set my pot on the table and then the bell rang. 

It was lunch before I knew it. I was so starving. I got my food and then sat at an empty table. Then a couple of girls came over and sat next to me.

“In art class where you sitting next to Luke?” One of the girls asked.

“Um, I don’t know?” I said.

“Sorry, we are being so rude. My name is Abbey and this is Rae. You are American aren’t you.” Abbey asked.

“Yeah, I guess you could sort of tell from the ascent. My name is Armis by the way.” I told them.

“Armis. I like that name” Rae said.

“Thanks. Who is Luke?” I asked. 

“Oh yeah. Luke is the one with the two different color eyes. Totally gorgeous.”Abbey breathed. 

“Yeah! One was blue and the other was green. I think that is kind of cool.” I said.

“ I also see that you ran into Natalia. That. That. That. Ass. She thinks that she is the Queen of the world. Idiot. I hate her.” Rae exclaimed. 

“ I can see that.” I added.

“Uh, this meat loaf is cold.”Abbey bellowed. Then a boy the same age as us came over and set his tray next to me.

“Armis, meet Dray. Dray, meet Armis.” Abbey introduced.

“Hi”, we both jinxed. 

“I heard you sat next to the mysterious Luke today! How was that? Did he talk to you?” He asked.

“Yeah, I sat next to him. What is the big deal? No Dray he didn’t talk to me. Maybe it is better that way. I’m not very good with people.” I told him. 

“Sure you are, you are talking to me!” He yelled.

“Shhhhhhh!” I whispered. 

Lunch was over and I still had one more period left in the day. I walked over to my locker to gather all of my books. I spun the numbers into the right combination. When I tried to open it, it wouldn’t budge. I soon forced it open, to find all my belongings  covered in maple syrup. Even the only picture of my dad and I. I didn’t know what else to do except cry. I look over my shoulder, to see Natalia and her gang standing around me and laughing. Almost rolling on the ground.

“You sit at my seat, and then back talk me. You pay.” She said snippily. 

I took the picture of my dad and went to the bathroom, and rinsed it all off. It was wet, but I could still make out my dad’s face. I walked back to my locker and put all the sticky things into my bag, and then went down to the office, not feeling very good. When I got to my house I went straight inside and into my bedroom. I cried my eyes out until I went for something to eat. I walked to the kitchen, and grabbed an apple.  

“Honey, don’t spoil your dinner! It’s in half an hour. “ My mother exclaimed wanting me to put the apple down. I slowly put the apple back and headed for my room again.

“Wait! How was your first day of school?” She asked.

“Mom, it was great!” I said adding sarcasm. 

“What went wrong? Is someone hurting you? Just give me the name.” She worried. 

“Mom, it’s nothing. Just a misunderstanding with a girl at school.” I replied

“What’s her name honey?” She asked. 

“Fine, it’s a girl named Natalia.” 

I told her the whole story starting with art class to the maple syrup. Leaving out the part with Luke. 

“Do you want me to do something? I am going to be apart of the school board soon.” 

“No mom you’ll just make it worse. I promise that I will tell you anything she dose to me.” 


“Can I go to my room now?” I asked her.


I cannot wait till tomorrow!

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