Chapter 24

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(Chloe's POV)

I remember that day better than any other. The day Ætius returned. The day I found my mate.

It was a Saturday. Or a Sunday. Or maybe a Friday? I don't know, my brain is too frazzled from all the recent events, and the heat is really getting to me. But I'll try my best to describe every single one of my moments with Ætius. Because they're the only things that matter.

The day he arrived, well I didn't see him. Yet I heard about all the drama through gossip at school. I hate to admit it, but it's true. I'm a girly girl. And gossip's my guilty pleasure.

At the time he was all anyone could ever talk about. Come to think of it, he's all anyone can talk about these days. The past few years have been so boring and uneventful. Yet as soon as Ætius is recovered, drama hits. Probably more drama any of us have had since he was kidnapped.

Anyway, the day I saw him. I remember it so clearly. It's weird. Everything before he showed up Is foggy, yet as soon as I laid eyes on him everything became clear.

He was in his wolf form when I first saw him. His midnight black pelt was rare indeed. Yet so beautiful. All I wanted to do was run my hands through his fur. Even from here it looked soft as silk.

His scent. Oh my god. I think I've had to check if I'm drooling quite a few times when I've smelt it. It was no doubt better than anything I have ever smelt before.

Like most scents it was unique. Indescribable. Yet the most desiring thing I had ever craved for.

I'll try to describe it, for your sake, but don't laugh at how stupid it will sound.

It was woody. Very! Like a forest, yet after it had been raining. You know, the smell of rain? Anyways, it also had a hint of watermelon in as well. Very strange indeed yet I couldn't seem to get enough of it!

It was masculin, and very desirable. Almost too desirable if you ask me.

Yet my favourite part was yet to come...

His eyes.

They are so unusual, yet so is everything else about him. They were golden, and black. Yet in seconds they could be glowing darker and darker, showing signs of his wolf.

They captivated me so much, like a trance or some sort of spell. They were beautiful.

And when they looked into my own, oh, I could've melted right there.

I felt so plain compared to him. He was so, Æ! Yet I was just Chloe. Chloe, simpleton. Decent looks, average body, nothing special. And that's how I thought he looked at me.

I couldn't describe the way he looked at me, he's so hard to read. I'm even taking sociology and psychology, and I still find it hard to read any of his emotions! Probably because he has different view every day!

Not in a bipolar way, no. It almost seems as if each day someone tells him something new, giving him a different perspective on things. On me.

I remember looking below him. In between his legs, was a small white wolf. Nobody should shift that young, as it shows the wolf shifted out of pressure of beating and torture, either to save its human, or because the body thinks it's life is going to be short.

Anyway, I remember looking at the little wolf with so much hate and jealousy. I couldn't help it. It wasn't the little wolfs fault, I shouldn't have been so cruel. But at the time, I thought it was his daughter. I thought he had given up on finding his mate, or found someone more suitable and settled down with them, even in his early ages.

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