Chapter One

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To Vampire Boy,
because why the hell not.

"Elle​! Elle come on get up!" A child's small hands shake my shoulders to awaken me. "What do you want" I groan, pulling my covers over my head. "We're going to the pool remember? Aren't you excited?" "Yeah super" I mumble sarcasticly. In this house of six, you never get any sleep. "Grace, would you get off of her?" Donna, the mother hen commands. "Fine" Grace pouts moping over to the bathroom to get her hair put up. I drag myself out of bed and change into my swim suit, a t-shirt like top and shorts. But one thing's missing, I dig through Mt.Laundry and find an extra large pullover, perfect. I put my hair in a messy bun, grab my sunglasses and throw a towel over my neck. Making my way downstairs, I notice a file on the dining room table. That's odd, the only files Donna ever keeps out are when-. I rush over and open the cover "Shit" I mumble through my teeth. Another kid, really? This house is packed as is: Donna, Me (15), Willow (10), Riley (6), Grace (4) and Lola (12 months). I don't want another human take that back, creature in this house unless I get moved to another floor. Not even bothering with breakfast, I make my way to the mess of a car that we- more like I call trashzila. The floor is caked in crumbs and trash, mystery blotches stain each seat and it smells like rotten eggs. Trust me eldest brothers, I understand your pain.

We arrive at the pool, the sun beats down and voices chattered. It had been so easy to hide in my room the past couple months, reading or attempting to draw. Now I was pale as a ghost, it didn't help I was so insecure. I had always been picked on in school for my features, eerily thin and a ghostly pale. I guess it helps I can hide behind a computer screen for most of the day.

 I decided to find a spot in the shade, hiding from the popular kids at school. "Estelle?" It was Donna "Uh, yeah?" I ask, pulling my sunglasses further down my nose She sat down next to me with a pitiful look. "Hun, I saw you looking at the file and-" "No it's fine, really" I said, lying through a painful smile "You sure? I mean he's coming tomorrow" My brain started to blur HE? She's gotta be joking. No way in hell was I sharing a room with a guy, not to mention an already crowded bathroom. Thing couldn't get worse."I'm gonna go get some snacks, Gatorade and Pizza sound good?" "Yeah, that sounds wonderful, thanks again for being so understanding"

I grab a few crumpled dollars out of my bag and head to the snack stand. Remember how I said things couldn't be worse? Yeah, it can. Her name was Hanna Louise, the most popular girl in school with her boyfriend Jerek. To everyone else, they were the perfect couple, to me they were straight up assholes. As Hannah flaunted her new manicure, I slipped hind them, attempting to not be notice when- "Estelle, is that you? I couldn't tell, you're almost transparent" A large group behind burst out in laughter, mocking me. "Thanks Hanna, it's good to see you too" I say, rolling my eyes. I pay for my stuff and go trying to let it roll off my back. Well, at least I've got home to look forward to- oh wait, the new guy.

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