Chapter Two

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After getting home, I trudge upstairs landing face first into my pillow. Down the hall I hear the other girls singing to 'Part of your world'. The screams of what I'm guessing are supposed to be notes split my ear drums.

"Estelle?" It's Donna "Uh, yeah?" I respond, muffled by the pillow "This is Jake" behind her I see a boy about my age, jet black hair and pale as a ghost... just like me. "Hey" I salute, he nods in return. "I'll give you guys a sec to figure things out" Donna leaves, yelling at the girls for being too loud. "So, this house is all girls?" Jake asks. "Unfortunately yes, the last boy we had here was only three months old, so there's never an escape from nail polish and pigtails." "Cool," He shrugs shoving his hands in his pockets "Anything I should know?" "Yeah actually, were moving a mattress and frame up here by tonight, so you won't sleep on the floor" "Really? I'd actually prefer the cold ground" he says straight faced "Ha ha. Anyway, since this is the big room we'll split it half n' half. We all have to be in bed by nine, breakfast is at seven thirty, laundry day is Monday and Thursday and dinner's at five. I feel like I'm missing something, oh! Morning rush hour is 7:00 so try to be up before then if you want to take a shower." "Okay, I think I got it, you got any video games?" "Ha, I wish. We do have paintball guns" "Paintball?" He questions, raising a mischievous eyebrow.

I stabilize myself on the highest branch of an old oak, the leaves swaying in the wind. Glancing at my watch it's been fifteen minutes since we split and five since it starting raining. "Come out come out where ever you are" I mumble, Jake doesn't know what he's in for. Snap right on que, a tall figure stalks under the lowest branch of a birch ten feet away. I adjust my footing, leaning deeper into the brush. Lining cross hairs I shoot, splattering green paint on the target and jumping a branch lower to stay hidden. Jake sneaks closer to my tree but staying close to the trunks. He glances around for another body, then shoots straight up, missing my face by inches. I fire again at his chest, another splat. Rain begins to pour harder, making it difficult to see three feet in front of my face. All goes silent, the only thing I can hear are the splashes of rain drops on surrounding trees and the occasional clap of thunder. A sharp, neon purple colored pain pierces my left collar bone. 'Son a of a-' "I believe that's game" a voice shouts "Not yet" I mumble, swinging to a lower branch. Dangling by my arm, I open fire Jake's back "Nice try, but that's a tree" his voice no more than five feet away. My grip loosens, I hit the forest floor with a thud. 'That's gonna hurt tomorrow'

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter I promise for better ones in the future :D. Anyway, don't forget to add this to your library, comment and vote. Thanks for reading! -Pinky

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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