The Transformions -Alternet univerise-

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My robot’s name is Michi. She is half human half robot. She have silver and blue hair. She has one eye light blue and the other a dark purple. She has a dark blue and silver blade sword. And she where’s pink, orange and blue battle suit. She is a cat girl so she has a blue tip on one ear the other is robotic so it's glowing blue. Same goes with the tail it's half robot half cat. She lives on my street (that's the actual name) and she is thankfully her neighbors are a lot of her friends and her brother and sister. You will learn more about them later. Her mom and dad disappeared three years ago michi has been taking care of kaos and KC since then. She is the oldest then it's KC then kaos. All three of them hide a lot. Why? They all have secrets. Michi had not always been robotic. She was turned into a half robot. How though? Well that's gonna take a lot of explaining. Anyway KC is a mefi~wa also. ~same thing as cat girl/guy~ she is really into assassins so she basically is one. Kaos and KC have never really gotten along but now they so that a relief. Then kaos well he is kinda a mistake. What i mean by that is he's not supposed to be alive. We were attacked by unknown people they killed him i could get to him in time to heal him...In this universe we still have powers where's HG? He's on a trip with mom and dad. So for now it's just me kaos and KC. (And yes i know in the normal universe KC isn't even a alive or been introduced. (hint to chapter 5 The New Kid In School) even with all of us still having our powers i was trapped and KC and HG were knocked out but somehow he survived. You know my treehouse outside our house i have well the reason i don't let them in there is because i work on science projects to figure out what kind of powers we have. I've figured out alot so far but i haven't told them anything but soon i'm going to tell them what i found out about the brace that took over Deathos. Turns out we could have gotten him back we didn't have to kill him.well, what's done is done anyway, you know how kaos's scarf that is all green with the spikes,well in this universe there are small fragments of his scarf they're gone. Yes I know it's indestructible! But, that's what sucks​ here it's not! but, hey what do you expect. It's an alternate universe...things are supposed to be different. Anyway all three of them have there own kind of power. Apirl has healing power kaos destruction and KC has nature so she controls fire water earth etc. Now that you know more on the three of us you're probably really wanting to know how she turned robotic. Well, here's what happened.

*KC and Kaos are lost and don't know how to go home and there phones are dead they walk into some woods*

Kaos: sis, stay behind me  this doesn't look safe

KC: well no duh its not safe when has the woods ever been safe! And don't worry i can handle myself ok let's just stick together and we'll be fine.

Kaos: ugh fine. Um do we even know where we are going?

KC: nope not at all but we'll be fine we can figure this out.

Apirl: ugh they have been gone a while and they should be back by now. I think i'm gonna go look for them it's not safe them being alone this long they might be lost.*gose and starts looking for them *

*back where kaos and KC are it starts to rain*

Kaos: ugh it's raining look a cave let's go in there.

KC: wait! Remember what Apirl said never go into creepy caves! You dont know whats in there.

Kaos: i know but right now we don't have a choice let's go.

KC: ugh fine.

*they go into the cave and starts looking around*

Kaos: *sees a light coming thru the hole in the middle of the rocks and start pushing the rocks out* hey look!

KC: what are you doing are you crazy we are just in here till the rain stops.

Kaos: i know that so i'm exploring.

KC: what is up with you and Apirl exploring you know something bad always happens.

Kaos: i know but that's what makes life fun!

KC: Ok but that doesn't make it any less dangerous.

Kaos:i know calm down. And it's fin-- *pushes the rock outta the way and in the process of doing that he falls forward* whoa!

KC: what the Re you ok!?

Kaos: yeah I'm fine

KC: good and *looks up* woah…. What is this place

Kaos: I don't know…

April: KAOS! KC!


April:*runs into the cave* oh my irene I am so glad you two are ok.

Merium: who is there!? Who is in my cave!?

April: just keeping out from the rain! We are not here to cause any trouble!

Merium: I don't care get out!

Kaos: nope! *starts jumping around everywhere and accidentally Breaks something* oops sorry!

Merium: how dare you! Leave or I will turn you all into something and you will not stand it.

KC: leave us alone! My brother was just being dumb.

Apirl: kaos come here

Merium: I will not leave you alone!

Kaos: go away! *uses his destruction power and make a hole in the rock wall.

Apirl and KC: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!?????

Merium: that's it *comes out of the wall that kaos blasted  a hole in,she's a ghost* *turns KC into a Ghoul -a creature that can only eat human flesh turns Apirl half robotic and Kaos into a glitched form of himself* good luck and get out! *teleports them back to there house*

Kaos: what just happened!?

KC: omi I'm a Ghoul!

Apirl: what the!? I'm robotic?....

So that's how it happened.

Thanks for reading! The rest will be in an update of this side story and I'm about to do chapter 3 of faded Royals so keep eye out for that bye! =^.^=
Update : wow! I got the best grade in the class for this! That's never happened before 💜❣️💞💟🖤🐼

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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