Chapter 1

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{A/N: This is my first fan fiction so I know that there will be spelling, and grammar errors, along with random pov switches, and time hops, so please bare with me. Love you all!} future me!: so now that I have posted 10 chapters, I realize that the 1st couple chapters aren't the greatest. Please give them a shot!❤️ they get better trust me😂

*flash back*

I didn't even know who he was, but his smile and eyes just took control of me. I didn't care about any consequences I just wanted him. He tightly grabbed my hand, pulled me away from the club, and led me up a flight of stairs up to the roof of the complex. The air had a chill and a slight draft sent chills up my spine. The thin material of my little black dress wasn't helping. He could tell that I was cold. He slowly took his jacket off and put it around my shoulders like in the movies, except this was reality. The lights twinkled along the edges of the building, making it a cozy environment. We stood at the edge of the building looking into the city. I looked over to him and gazed of into his little smirk. He looked back at me and moved in closer, I hoped he would make a move, but he smiled and began asking me questions about my life. I realized that I didn't want just sex, and neither did he, even though we had met in the club just moments before. The moment was perfect, and I wanted to spend so much more time with him.... Zach.

*two days later*

It's been two days, how much time did he need? I know I was just being selfish, but I couldn't shake the thought of being a one night fling. We had an amazing night getting to know each other, and he's the one who asked for my number. I needed to get him out of my head.
*incoming text from Erin*
Erin: Hey did that guy call you yet?
Me: No, what should I do?
Erin: I say forget him and come out with me tonight.
Me: but what if he calls, I felt something with him.
Erin: If he felt it he would of called by now, let's go out.
Me: fine, I'll be ready in 20

*30 mins later*

Erin was late, which is normal for her. I put on my outfit, a red dress with a slit in one leg, that hugged my curves, and made me feel confident. I paired it with a comfortable pair of black heels. She finally got to my house and decided to take me to a newer club in LA called The Hatch. We pulled up and I strutted into the club feeling better than ever. We picked a table and set our stuff down, ordered drinks, and headed straight for the dance floor. A cute curly haired guy watched me from across the floor. Erin pressured me into going to him. I slowly danced towards him and we began talking. He had an adorable smile and I could get lost in his eyes. He was so sweet and made me feel extremely comfortable. He pulled me outside of the club, and we continued talking about our lives, our past, and what we hoped for in the future. The night came to an end and we exchanged numbers. We took an uber home because Erin was completely trashed, and I had a slight buzz going. I knew this guy was different because 10 minuets after I left the club, he had already texted me.
Jack: Hey beautiful😍
Me: Hi😌
Jack: I hope this isn't moving to fast, but I'm in a band, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over to the bands house tmr?
Me: Will everyone be there? Or just us?
Jack: I was hoping you could meet everyone, that's the part that might be to fast😬
Me: I think it's cute, what time?
Author: There is much more to come, be sure to leave a like and follow my page. Stay tuned for chapter two!

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