Hard to relate and annoyed

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So, we all know those cringy smutty 5SOS and 1D fanfictions right? And it's technically not just them, but it's also most ones in the Wattpad romance genre, whether it's fanfiction or not.

Pretty Girls

Now, I'm not talking about those girls who have pretty eyes, nice hair, but are chubby and have acne or something like that. I'm talking about the ones-and I quote- "long dark hair that went down to her waist and beautiful tanned skin with a perfect completion, and her stunning blue eyes were a perfect touch. She had the body of a goddess and she was basically sex on legs."

And that's okay if they're stunning drop dead gorgeous, but it pushes it even further when they add, quoting; "She wore a low cut Calvin Klein dress as she pulled up to her mansion in her shiny red convertible. She was going to bring her blue Porsche but it had the tiniest dent in it so she got a new car and couldn't drive it anymore."

These quotes are from separate books that I will not name, and I'm not bashing on ANYONE'S book, I just hope they realize that they're really unrelatable and to me, annoying. I don't read romance on Wattpad for this very reason.

And I'm fine with them being beautiful and rich, but when they have no problems in their perfect life and say, once again quoting; "Even though my mom and dad are happily married, I still feel like my family is falling apart. We came back from Disney land after we went last weekend they seemed distant from each other even though they're talking and holding hands and smiling ear to ear as we drive back to our mansion."

And another thing, they're drop dead gorgeous and they say this, I'm always quoting; "I had the most beautiful blonde hair and the best blue eyes anyone has ever seen I'm slim with a perfect hourglass figure and I have really nice assets and I was very tall. Guys would line up and bow before me, begging for me to date them and I was everything every girl wanted to be. But I'm still the ugliest girl in school and no body loved me. I hate my life."

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