Food Is The Main Priority.

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3rd Person P.O.V


As Niko slammed her first on to her ringing alarm her older sister walks in to her room and opens the curtains.


"It's time to get up Niko you start school today."

"Doo I havve tooo?"

Niko wined as she covers her head with the blanket she has on her bed.

"Yes you have to. Now get up you're seventeen not two."

Eros says sternly as she rips the blanket off of Niko. Niko poubts but gets up to get ready for her first day in the new "prison" as she puts it.

"Now you get ready while I go wake up Aether, hopefully she wakes up faster then you."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

Eros exited Nikos room as she gets ready and walks over to Aethers room to get her up.

Aether is laying in a starfish position when Eros enters the room, this makes Eros smile and chuckle as she gently shakes her younger sister out of her sleep.

"Aether...Aether it's time to get up love you start school today."

"Noo...not priiison."

Eros rolls her eyes as her sister groans and covers her head with her pillow similar to the way lazy Niko did.

"Come on it will be fun, and school is not prison."

"Says miss I got all A' s for high school."

Aether uses sass, it's not at all effective. Eros rolls her eyes again and smirks as an idea pops in to her head.

"If you get up and can get ready in an hour I'll make pancakes with nutella for breakfast."

Eros says in a soft voice to try and coax her sister out of bed. As soon as Aether hears the word nutella she is up out of bed and pushing her sister out so she can get ready.

"Now what should I wear?"

Aether looks into her closet and picks out a simple black tank top with a red flannel and a pair of black ripped jeans.

Aether takes her outfit and goes in to the bathroom connected to her room to take a shower.

Mean while Niko is just exiting her bathroom wearing a Panic At The Disco tank top, grey jean shorts, and a black hoodie around her waist.

Niko does her hair in a simple high ponytail, she then grabs her black army boots and puts them on so she can head down stairs.

Just as Niko exits her room so does Aether, Aether has her hair down with a black beanie and is wearing black knee high converse.

"You ready for the new prison Aether, I'm sure it gonna be AMAZING according Eros."

Aether chuckles at her sisters sarcasm and begins to walk down to the kitchen wear Eros is placing three plates on the table with nutella pancakes on them.

"I'm glad you two are up on time, you're even thirty minutes early, new record I'd say."

"I'm only up this early for the food."

Aether says and Niko nods as they go sit at the table.

"Food is my main priority."

"Same here."

Aether and Niko say as they cut into their pancakes. Eros rolls her eyes but nods in agreement.
Food is truly beautiful.


Heyyy so here is the first chapter of my new book hope you like it so far, I'm already working on the next chapter.

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