The bullies

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It had been months since Anne had last seen Gilbert in town. Months of torture and fun, tears and laughter, pain and love... Gilbert, such a handsome boy, such a lovely smile... And that voice!

"Look who it is!" Said a voice from behind her that snapped Anne out of her daydream about Gilbert. She turned and faced the tall boy called Billy who had hated her since she first set foot in Avonlea.
She felt a wave of fear and started to retreat slowly back into the bushes.

"You shouldn't be out here all alone... A young girl like you could get hurt or something..." he said with a threatening tone to his voice.

Anne started to tremble in fear and prepared herself for the words and the pain that was surely to come. She was surprised when he didn't start kicking her like usual.

"I would love to stay, bad little dog, but I wouldn't want to be late for class" he sneered before leaving the terrified redhead behind him.

Anne took a deep breath to calm herself and plastered a fake smile on her face which would hopefully become genuine once she was surrounded by her dear friends.

She laughed and smiled and answered all the questions the teacher asked her with her usual enthusiasm and nobody noticed that anything was wrong, as per usual.
It was best that way, she thought, that way no one else would get hurt.
She rushed back to Green Gables that day and was nearly run over by a carrieage that was strangely familiar, but she didn't have a chance to see the driver and she was sure the driver hadn't even noticed her.

The next day was a special day, it was her good friend Ruby's birthday and they were all to meet up straight after school. That's why Anne was wearing her finest dress, the one she would wear to church, and it is why she was walking extra quietly to try and avoid the bullies.
But that was not to be.
She was half way to school when she bumped into none other than Josie Pye who instantly called Billy and some other boys.
They surrounded her as she began to cry.

"Hello, there, bad dog!" Said Billy walkikg into the center of the circle.

"My- My dress" she whispered looking down at the floor.

"What was that?" Her bully asked.

"My dress" she managed to say, looking at him fiercely in the eyes.

Billy looked at her before smirking again.

"I'm feeling generous today. Take it off so it won't get damaged!" He demanded as everyone around her laughed.

She slowly pulled the item of clothing off, leeving her in her undergarments.
Josie tool the dress from the girl and tossed it onto a high up branch on a tree and watched as Billy closed in on the little 12 year old and pushed her to the ground.
Anne groaned from the pain as a the twigs scratched her hands and Billy began to kick her. One kick caught her on the head and she started to feel dizzy. She slowly drifted off into darkness.

Gilbert Blythe had arrived the day before in a carriage and decided to go back to school the very next day. He set off the next morning eagerly, thinking about a certain person he would see.
That's when he heard the laughs and the feeling of something being wrong hit him. He rushed towards the noises and opened his eyes wide with anger when he saw what was going on. There was a dress hanging up on a branch and a circle of people laughing as one boy, Billy, was kicking a limp form on the ground. A girl with carrot coloured hair.

He rushed forwards and pushed through the crowd, punching the bully hard, making everyone else disperse and run away. Billy soon joined them after being hit a few more times.

"Anne!" Gilbert exclaimed as he rushed to the girl, scooping up her body and taking her to Green Gables with a mental note to remind him to pick the dress up later.

Anne opened her eyes and realised that she must be dreaming... or imagining... because through the pain she could make out some hazel eyes and dark hair against the white wall of her room.
"Gilbert?" She asked quietly, afraid her eyes were betraying her.

"Anne!" The boy said before doing something unexpected, he kissed her on the forehead. Anne felt her face light up with embarrassment and a goofy smile appear on her face.
Gilbert was back! And he was there to look out for her!

Thanks for reading! Please ignore any spelling mistakes! See ya!

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