i've missed you buddy

16 2 0

We all stared the capsule, ready for any kind of attack waiting to pop out. I got alerts all over the castle, numbers are slowly rising, drones coming in, and tolerance is going up very slowly. I glanced back up at the capsule to see it had opened to show a monster that had two octopus arms and weird derpy looking eyes. It's eyes locked onto voltron before shooting a green laser at them and my eyes widen. That is not the same monster from aris.

"Coran, what is that thing?" i asked as i prepared to attack with our defences.

"I don't know" coran answered as we were hit with a green beam, i looked at my screen with gritted teeth, partial barrier at 21% and lowering.

"Where does zarkon get these monsters!" allura asked urgently "and how do they keep finding us!?"

That's what we all liked to know allura!

"Princess, the particle barrier can't survive much longer, we are still not at full power." coran said and i lit my glove on.

"I'll go help charge the generator." i stated and i ran down to where allura's power is heading. Once there, i placed my glove on the control panel. It glowed and send the shocks into the system.

"Keep going opal, you're glove is working" allura announced through the speakers and i smiled as the gloved glowed even more.

Suddenly, the ship shook and i fell, my glove turning off as i hit the ground. What happened?

"Opal! Get up here quickly! We need your help." coran yelled and i sat up, holding my head. I stood up and ran out of the room, heading to the cockpit and taking a seat and reopening the screens. Quiznack, we're losing power, stymus not responding, drones are no longer engaged or even alive. Reserved power out, and my glove's energy booster is going down.

"The ship is being torn apart!" yelled coran

"paladins!We're taking heavy fire up here! We're in trouble!" allura called out.

"Is opal okay?"

"Not for long lance"

"Princess. Get out of it's range now." uncle ordered and i narrowed my eyes

"No way, we're not leaving quite yet." i answered

"Opal is right, we will not abandon you" allura backed up and i smiled.

"You're not abandoning us, we're about to pull back anyway" uncle said

"We are?" asked hunk

"We can't hold out, lions get to the mineshafts it's the only place where the monster can't get us!" uncle ordered

"On it" pidge answered and within seconds the lions were under the surface as we went into orbit.

"We have to go back for them!" i said urgently.

"We can't just go in there!" coran exclaimed "we'll be destroyed"

"But we can't just leave that monster there! There has to be a way to beat him. Everything has a weakness-" i was interrupted by a massive headache.

"Opal? What's wrong?" allura's voice echoed as the pain became tamed

'Opal kyoshi, help me. I know you can. Let your mind and spirit be free'

Free? Free of what? My spirit? I heard the soft melody of a whale like call from the balmera.

'Let go of your technical mind and be one with the wind'

What does that mean?

'Let go. Let go'

"Coran, allura are you there?" uncle's voice asked and i glanced up, my mind brought back to reality.

someday, somehowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora