Chapter 3: The Game

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Tyler keeps looking at me with these violet purple eyes. I don't know what it is about them, but I somehow can't look away. It's like he's pulling me in by just staring at me. It's almost creepy, but also mesmerizing at the same time.

Those eyes can't be real...

"Uh," I stutter.

"Relax. I'm not going to kidnap you or anything. I'm the baseball team's captain and we need more teammates because all of our seniors left." he says smoothly. His voice is like silk.

All of me knows I shouldn't go. I need to keep a low profile. Whatever he's doing with his stare, it's making me want to say yes, but my will power is strong enough to resist the temptation to give him the answer he wants.

I finally muster up the courage to speak. "I might check it out."

He flashes a smile, and I swear, his eyes twinkle ever so slightly. It's like he's got some kind of magic in his eyes.

We finish lunch. I don't really say much because I'm spending my time studying Tyler's every move. 

He's graceful, and every move he makes is planned out. His hand moves with such delicacy to the small of Izzie's back. Have they dated before? Are they together now? I couldn't tell. Serves me right for not being able to read normal people, I guess.

Once we're dismissed, I take out my schedule as I try to remember where my history class is.

I run into Parker in the hallway. Yes, I literally run into him. He knocks me back, but with not enough force to make me fall. He's a few feet back as well. I have some force too.

He smiles. "Hey, sunshine."

I smirk. "Hey yourself."

"Where's your next class?" he asks, carefully.

"Room 165 B," I say as I read my schedule again. Whatever that means.

"I have lunch now. Let me walk you?" he offers.

Can't hurt. I'm not exactly sure where it is yet, even still.  "Sure." I shrug.

As we walk from the building, we pass Tyler and a few baseball players. Tyler winks at me first then he and Parker lock eyes. They both have a grimace on their faces.

I look at him. "Did you lose a pissing contest or something?"

He rolls his eyes. "He's just a huge player," he says. "And an ass."

The way he insults him... There's something else there.

I shrug. 

That makes perfect sense. He's very smooth and good at talking to girls. He's been doing this for a while. He's attractive too, so that definitely helps him get girls. I don't usually go for smooth talkers, or anyone really since I'll just be packing up and leaving within a year if that.

We arrive in front of my classroom.

"Jackie, please stay away from him," he says seriously. "He's not...good."

I raise my eyebrow. "I'll be the judge of that. Don't worry about me, Parker."

I turn around to walk in the door.

"What he did to the other girls at this school is his plan for you," he says, quickly.

"How do you know about his plans for me?"

No answer. I turn around and he's just gone.

I look down the hallway. It's like he just disappeared. I'm a little freaked out, to be honest. How did he move that fast? I totally forgot to ask him how he knew about the quiz. I'll be seeing him again.

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