Broken Glass

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((A/N: I hate but love this chapter. It's cute, but Natsu seems so OOC to me. So, I'm just gonna warn you guys, Natsu is probably gonna be r e a l l y OOC. I'll try my best to make it not so cringy, but I honestly can't promise anything. XD I hope you guys still enjoy tho! Also, in this AU, Fairy Tail came in second in the Magic Games!))

The first time Natsu and Zexy spoke to each other was after Zexy had been a waiter for about a month. Of course, they did talk, but that was the usual "What's your order" deal. No, this was a full conversation in the back of the building.

Anyone who knew Natsu knew he was not a patient person about most things in life. He was the exact opposite for the definition of patient. He was loud, brash, and always full of energy that had the need to constantly be on the move.

Maybe that's why he was arguing with Laxus today, because they hadn't been able to go on a mission for nearly two weeks now because they were getting absolutely no offers. They were going through their first dry spell in years. It was like no one needed anything, or they just didn't trust Fairy Tail to do it. The last major thing they had done was go to those Magic Games. They thought it would give them more publicity, but it seemed like all it does was make them look weaker than they actually were. Natsu felt cooped up, irritated, and was subconsciously just looking for someone to take this out on.

They had been arguing about something petty, Natsu couldn't even remember it now. He must have swung his arm at some point, because then his plate that had once been full of food (thankfully it was now empty) was on the ground with his cup, both objects broken into pieces. He instantly felt regret. Someone would have to pick it up, and risk getting cut, and they'd also have to use money to replace them. With the dry season of jobs, money was tight and he probably just wasted about ten to fifty bucks.

Laxus was still yelling at him when Zexy ran up, kneeling down beside the mess and beginning to pick up the pieces into a bag to toss away later. Natsu, ignoring Laxus, knelt down beside him. "Let me help." He said gently, reaching towards the pile.

He didn't hear Zexy's response, because then Laxus's boot was digging into the teenager's side.

The loud bar went silent at the sound of Zexy's cry of pain, the glass pieces he had been picking up falling to the ground as his body was flung to the side of the force. He skidded across the wooden floor, his back hitting the leg of a nearby table as he held his side in pain. Mira raced to his side, kneeling down beside him as she grabbed his shoulder gently. Her brother, Elfman, slipped from his seat at the table Zexy had collided into, kneeling beside him.

He raised his head to shout, but Natsu beat him to the punch.

"Laxus, what the HELL!"

The Salamander's voice was filled with absolute fury, something surprisingly rare from the hotheaded male. Laxus just sneered at him. "What, got feelings for the servant boy, Natsu?"

"There was no reason to hit him!" Natsu shouted, furious as his hands curled into fists.

"There was. We were in the middle of an argument and he distracted you."
"What are you, some spoiled kid?!"
"No, I'm a man who isn't ignored!"

Natsu huffed, smoke nearly coming from his nostrils as his fire threatened to appear. He couldn't believe Laxus. He knew he was a jerk, but to hit someone who hadn't even been in their argument in the first place... God, he was furious! He never thought he'd be that low!

"Natsu..." The Dragonslayer heard Lucy whisper in a warning tone. God bless her, but Natsu didn't really feel like heeding her silent warning. This was such bullcrap!

"What, finally gonna get in a fight over a stupid waiter?!" Laxus sneered.

Natsu would've, GOD he would've, if the Master Makarov hadn't intervened and sent his son home and told Natsu to go outside to cool down.

So, here he stood now, pacing back and forth behind the building, cursing underneath his breath. He was trying hard to keep himself from kicking over the trash cans a few feet away from him when the door opened. He raised his head, expecting to see Lucy or even Erza, but instead... he saw Zexy.

He was standing in the doorway, holding a bag that was more then likely carrying the pieces of glass. They made eye contact for a split second before Zexy looked down and Natsu looked away, both at the same time. Natsu stared at the town around their guild's home, before he glanced at Zexy. He was putting the bag into the trashcan, his head down. The sun was setting and the streetlights, which had orbs of magic for light bulbs, were beginning to come on. They illuminated Zexy's pale skin and his coal black hair, his dark red eyes gleaming as he put the lid back on the trashcan.

The teenager turned to flee back into the guild, but than Natsu grabbed his arm firmly but gently. Zexy stiffened, his eyes widening as he glanced back at Natsu but then quickly looked away again. Natsu sighed softly and gently loosened his grip, but didn't let go. "Are you alright?" He asked, glancing at the teenager's side. He could only imagine how horribly that must've felt. Laxus was strong, and Zexy was so small...

"I'm fine, Mr. Dragneel." Zexy said quietly, and Natsu blinked before he laughed.

"Zexy, I'm Natsu! Not Mr. Dragneel!" He said, smiling gently. Zexy's cheeks flushed a soft pink, looking away.

"O-Of course, Mr. Nat-"
"C'mon Zexy, just Natsu! We're in the same guild, aren't we?

Natsu sighed softly. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked gently, and Zexy nodded. "Maybe you should head home, you really shouldn't be working."

"I am... Miss. Mira is sending me home after I take care of the mess." Natsu sighed quietly.

"Sorry about that." He said gently, and Zexy just shook his head.

"Don't worry about it..." He muttered, then gently slid his arm out of Natsu's grip.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Natsu blurted out, and Zexy looked at him in surprise.

"N-No, that's not necessary, sir..."
"Are you sure? I don't mind."
"No, really, I'll be fine."

Natsu bit his lip, but he knew he couldn't exactly force Zexy to let him walk him home. He was just worried that he might run into Laxus. He was sure that Laxus wouldn't try anything, but...

"Alright." He nodded his head. "If you're sure that you'll be okay." Zexy smiled, just slightly, and Natsu's furrowed his eyebrows as his heart seemed to throb in his chest. Zexy stepped away from him, and his red eyes glowed in the sunset above them.

"Have a good night, Natsu." He said, and Natsu's eyes flickered back to him before he flashed his usual grin as he nodded.

"Goodnight, Zexy! I'll see you tomorrow!" He said happily, and Zexy waved before he turned and disappeared back into the guild. Natsu stared after him for a long time, until the sun had long set and his scent had begun to be masked by the nearby garbage cans. Shortly after that, he walked back in, his arms crossed.

Burning Hearts - Natsu X ZexyZek [Fairy Tail X MCYT Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now