Chapter 1: Cheer Tryouts & The First Sight

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Rose's PoV
It was our first day of highschool cheer tryouts, and as in our I mean me and my best friend Liz's (short for Elizabeth) first tryouts. I was beyond excited while I knew Liz was way too nervous to be as excited. "Are you ready?" I asked Liz, "I'm super nervous, I don't know if I'll make it" she replied with a frown. "Of course you'll make it, you have some of the best jumps I've seen." I assured her, "We can do this, we've done it multiple times, how is this year any different?" I asked her calmly. "Yeah I guess you have a point. It's just a couple years ago we weren't 'fresh meat' to the school you know? We're freshman this year. It could be super different" Liz added. "It shouldn't, every girl I know who has been on this team said it was amazing." I told her hapily, then I grabbed my phone and put on what always made her happy: music. I turned on our favorite band and I could see the nerves and weight leave her. "Elizabeth?" We both heard someone say loudly. I paused the music and I looked at Liz. "You got this Liz," I told her before giving her a hug. Liz ran inside the gym and came out smiling, which made me smile. Then the lady came out and called my name, so I went in the gym and gave it my all. I was so excited I couldn't even be nervous. Jumps, Chants, Splits, Experience. I was happy with how I did, I was a little nervous after it was over that somehow I could've done better. I ran out to Liz and we hugged "Another year of tryouts is over" I said hapily "No more stress or worrying" Liz added, which made me add "Well at least for now" which made us laugh.      
"Hey you wanna ride over to the baseball field? It's their first game today?" I asked Liz "And turn down a opportunity to see cute boys?" She smiled then added "Lets go."  

     So we rode our longboards over to the field and sat down on the bleachers. When we got there the score was 3-2, the other team was winning but I had that good feeling that we would come back. The other team scored 2 more runs, then it was our turn to hit. The first 3 hitters made it on base, the next struck out, then we struck out again, then got out on base. Finally it was our bat again, we got the bases loaded again, the next batter struck out like last time, then the next batter started to walk up, he had short blackish brown hair, he was pretty tall, I hadn't seen him before but damn he was cute.. Ok he was pretty hot. "What??" Liz said out of nowhere, I turned and looked at her and she was looking at me like I was crazy. "What?" I asked "You were tapping my arm for the past minute." She told me "Oh." I said then added "Sorry". The announcer called the batters name "Now up: Jacob __" I must have quietly said his name because Liz turned and stared at me, "What did you say" she asked me "I didnt say.. Oh uh nothing it was on accident." I said smiling "Omg you totally think he's cute." She smiled widely at me "More like hot but yeah" I smiled back "Well then watch your boy" she giggled. The boy put up the bat and swung at the perfect moment, making it over the fence and getting a grand slam. I cheered loudly, along with everyone else, and smiled as he ran around the bases. The team went and waited for him at the home plate and surrounded him jumping up and down. That was the big moment of the game, and the rest of the game went by fast until suddenly it was over. Liz and I got off the bleachers and grabbed our longboards, then started to talk to each other until the boys came off the field. "Ok so I'm guessing we are going to be coming to every game now?" Liz teased me "How did you know?" I laughed, we talked for a few minutes and then all the boys started coming off the field, "Your blushing R" Liz warned me while laughing. Then I saw him, his hair was damp, he was pushing it back, and he had his baseball bag on his back. Suddenly he started to walk towards us. I quickly turned and looked at Liz I was freaking out, he was coming to US. Not anyone else, US. She told me to turn back around before it looks weird, so I did while smiling, "Hey" he said to me while smiling.

Ok so hey guys hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I know it was really shirt but I just wanted to get it out instead of waiting super long. I'll try to get the next chapter out this week

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