Arachnus x Toadal Dude scenarios

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A Night at the Carnival
Scenario 1(As Arachnus):You invited Toadal Dude to the Celebration of Love carnival,to...confess/propose to Toadal Dude
Scenario 2(Toadal Dude):Arachnus invited you to the Celebration of love carnival and you plan to confess to him

Scenario 1(Arachnus):Every night,you see Toadal Dude in bumps and bruises and even has a black eye?!Whats was going on?!
Scenario 2(Toadal Dude):You come home with bumps,bruises and a black,which started to worry your boyfriend,Arachnus,....will her finebout that...youve been raped?!

Scenario 1(Arachnus):You started to have heat just like a week ago and its not gone yet...Toadal Dude noticed and he wanted to help you,yes or no?
Scenario 2(Toadal Dude):Ypu noticed that Arachnus is going through heat...since your his boyfriend,you ask if you can help him,waiting for a yes or no.
(This is for GreatGamerGirl)

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