19- And it's back on

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I can't believe I got kicked out of the KAREL's. I had just left the office now to end my contract and confirm that I am out of the competition for bad. This was going to be one of the hardest ones. This is the competition for all last years and the year before's winners. I'm actually really upset. I won last Decembers round and Salena one Februarys I was going to beat her in this competition as revenge for hurting me a couple weeks ago now I can't.

For.Fuck.Sake i'm actually pissed of now, why did I have to get the worse punishment. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! I bet that women that told us the news is behind it, she seemed doggy. Her eyes were a really nice colour off green...... wait a minute.... wait a minute they were the same colour as the guy that hurt Brian.......

Not that I could care about Brian anyway, he's a fucking dickhead. I actually hate him. Grrrr grrrrr. I just got in the car to go home and sulk. Competing was my life, I have been watching the KAREL's since I was a little kid. I went to see a some of them in real life, I even saw them with Brandon and his family a few times. Well back in primary school when our parents were friends.

Brandon...... I still like him a little, I haven't spoken to him in weeks I want to but I'm to scared now I AlWAYS embarrass myself in front of him. It's Friday now on thursday, I got up to put something in the bin and I dropped, he had to be there. I missed the bin, dropped my bag and fell over my bag. Then I was yelping in pain that I thought my ankle was broken. He didn't even do anything he just glanced up at me with a straight face then continued what ever it was he was doing. No "omg Jeanie are you ok?" Nothing,! That dick.

I got home, went straight to my room not saying one word to my dad. I laid down on my messy double bed with a huff. "Hufffff" I took off my school blazer and dropped it on the chair by my bed. Not being bothered to straighten it. I laid down with my hands behind my neck and closed my eyes.

I thought..... and thought and thought. All I did was think about how badly my life has been since I started tutoring Brian.... That idiot. I checked the time on my alarm clock; 5:28. I'm just going to lie down here all day and not move.


I checked my phone which had just went off. Message from and unknown number on Whatsapp

Jeanie, are you still on for the theme park?

Theme park? What theme park, I don't know who this is but what in the world are they talking about. I texted back.

Erm who is this and what are you talking about?

I'm waiting for the reply now, I kinda want to know what who ever this is are talking about now. That's going to have to wait now because my phone's going to die and I need to go to the toilet.

I came back and no reply, it's weird how even if you reply straight away, the person doesn't reply. What did they just disappear into thin air in a second.



She doesn't know who I am, oh my god, she doesn't know who I am. Why doesn't she know who I am. Why doesn't she know this.......Oh right.... I didn't say that it's me Duke. Sorry.... Why am I apologising for.... I'm just so stressed. I just really like this one, Hannah, she's great. She's almost perfect this time. I can be myself around her.

Just because, like every girl thinks i'm "the total package looks and everything" This seems to mean that I have to follow this whole stereo type. I have to live with everyone thinking that me Brandon Brian and anyone like us, are automatically players. People always think that ALL guys like me are 'players' and only think about sex. That is not true, I can admit that ALOT of guys are dickheads like that but not all of us are. We are just portrayed like that... We-

Love, school and jealous friends (Sequel didn't continue)Where stories live. Discover now