~ the confused foreigner ~

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yang mi 

stage name: MiMi

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stage name: MiMi

nationality: Chinese 

D.O.B: 12/20/98

age: 18

face claim: kyulkyung 



~ dogs

~ dancing 

~ water 

~ coffee and tea

~ gudetama

~ dramas

~ literature


~ stubborn people

~ no deals

~ being misunderstood

~ being confused


~ she was born in shanghai, china

~ shes been a trainee for 5 years

~ her nicknames are china's miracle, and the Chinese dancing machine 

~ she travels back and forth to china and south Korea during holidays 

greeting: 1..2..3.. china's miracle, MiMi imnida !!

individual fandom name: MIMINE

fandom color: pink 

personality: yang mi is the optimistic type of person

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personality: yang mi is the optimistic type of person. she loves helping people to the best she can. although she doesn't know Korean as much as she'd like to, she tries her best to understand. she's vary sensitive when it comes to her family. since she can only see them during holidays. she's vary determined to become an idol and achieve her dream. 

background: born in shanghai china in a family of 4 she always wanted to be an idol since she was a little girl, she was previously a child actor and model back in china. her mother owns a flower boutique where she puts posters of MIMI and promotes her all the time. she officially moved alone to south Korea when she was a freshman in high school. she visits her family in china during break, or holidays. she's very sensitive when people discuss family or if she eats Chinese food due to this.  

love interest: mingyu

how they met: she attended a public dance class and he so happened to be a guest during her class

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how they met: she attended a public dance class and he so happened to be a guest during her class

relationship status: best friends

message to company: annyeonghaseyo, thank you for accepting me. ill continue to work hard!!!

message to other members : annyeong !!! i hope we can make great music together!! 

message to fans : hey, your miMINE and i'm yours!! please continue to support us!! 

requested scenes

~ struggling with Korean 

~ embarrassing moment when MC talks about her family 

~ getting alone with other members

~ helping her members with choreography

~ reaction to her previous scenes and modeling pictures


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