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Aries: Plays to much.

Taurus: Goes to the food buffet.

Gemini: Plays with little kids.

Cancer: Helping people not drown.

Leo: The one that's just tanning.

Virgo: The one staying with cancer trying to not drown.

Libra: staying with Scorpio because they know they cant swim.

Scorpio: The one that plays it cool and pretends they can swim. (I can relate ^.^)

Sagittarius: The one that is building a sand castle.

Capricorn: The one laughing at the sand castle Sagittarius made.

Aquarius: The one that makes a new way to swim while teaching Scorpio to swim.

Pisces The one hanging out with Leo while staring at people having fun.

I hope you all can relate to this I can relate to mine^.^ same with Virgo or my cousin.

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