Part Thirteen

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring, signaling it's time to get up for work. Holtzmann's arm is draped over me and my leg is entangled with hers. When I turn over to look at her, a smile creeps across my face as I admire how beautiful she is. She's lying on her stomach, her face turned away from me, her blonde curls splayed across the pillow. We're both entirely naked still and my mouth dries at the sight of her. The sheet we covered up with last night is draped over the lower half of her body with her right leg sticking out, revealing her incredibly sexy thigh. Her back rises and falls rhythmically with her breathing and I feel so lucky to be able to look at the contour of those muscular shoulders, back, and arms.

"I feel you gawking, Gilbert." Holtz says into the pillow.

She turns over and nestles into the crook of my neck. I rub her back while she rubs small circles on my arm.

"We should probably get ready for work," I state, begrudgingly.

She groans and flops backward onto the bed. I bite my lip as her breasts become visible from the sheet.

"What time is it?" She asks.


"I'm two hours late to being early. You're a bad, bad, influence on me, Erin Gilbert."

Suddenly, she's pushing me down on the bed, straddling me, her hands holding my shoulders down. She bites her bottom lip and cocks her head to the side.

"You're absolutely delectable with sex hair, hot stuff. Especially when I'm the one who gave it to you," she purrs, leaning down and running her tongue down the length of my ear.

A shiver runs through my entire body, causing my newly sensitive clit to pulse. She rolls her hips against mine and my eyes roll upward and close. She sits back up and runs her fingers across my sternum, down my rib age, across my stomach, then back up to my breasts. Her index finger hovers over my already erect nipple. I open my eyes and when I look into hers, a jolt of desire shoots through me and I feel wetness starting to pool between my legs. Her eyes are dark, her pupils dilated, her eyelids heavy. Her right eyebrow is raised and she's running her tongue across her lips. So much confidence and cockiness is exuding from her you can almost see it.

Then, she leans over, taking my right nipple between her teeth. She flicks her tongue across it lightly, and I arch my back into her mouth, begging for more. She wraps her lips around the pink bud and sucks hard, simultaneously rubbing my other nipple with her index finger. She takes one last flick of her tongue before sitting up and smirking down at me.

"You know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day," she says.

I gulp, anticipation beginning to drip down my leg. "It definitely is. There are studies." I answer, nodding my head.

She chuckles. "There are. Anything in mind, Gilbert?" She raises an eyebrow and winks.

"Plenty. Plenty in mind, Holtzmann." I swallow hard as she trails her finger down my abdomen again.


"You know."

She rolls her hips against me and my head rolls back on the pillow. Jesus, she knows exactly what she's doing.

"I want to hear you say it, Erin." She purrs.

"P-please put your mouth on me, Holtzy." I beg, rubbing her thighs with my trembling fingers. "I want to feel your tongue inside me."

"Thatta girl."

She winks again, then latches onto my neck, sucking hard, making her way down my body. Goosebumps flood my arms and legs and I swear I can feel little jolts of electricity everywhere her mouth touches. She sucks on the dip between my hip and thigh and I arch my back, a loud moan escaping me and filling the room. She smirks against my skin as she moves closer to where I need her most.

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