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"lay! wake up!"

layla opened her eyes to see her best friend, bella swan, standing next to her bed. she groaned and used her thick blanket to shield her eyes from the sunlight. "what do you want, bells?" she mumbled from under the blanket.

"really lay? it's 1pm, why are you still in bed? anyways, get up, we are going to la push," bella scolded.

the younger of the two immediately knew why bella was on a mission to go to la push. bella was going to confront jacob black. she vented to layla for nights straight, vocalizing her frustration and her confusion about the fact that the quileute boy was ignoring her. layla was also confused, because after tagging along with bella to hang out with jacob and watch him fix the bikes bella had brought to him, she knew that the boy was absolutely smitten with her friend.

so why would he ignore her all of the sudden?

layla got up from her bed to change into something warm. she followed her best friend out of her house and into her car, where the older proceeded to drive to the reservation. bella barely spoke during the car ride, her hands gripping the steering wheel with determination, but listened as layla rambled beside her in the passenger seat.

that was usually how it was in their friendship, layla being the more talkative and outgoing out of the two, while bella was there listening and speaking when needed. the two were complete opposites when it came to their social characteristics, but that was what made their friendship work. in some way, they balanced each other and that's why they were best friends.

layla was in the middle of talking about how harry styles was the actual love of her life when the car came to a sudden halt. "we're here," bella said sharply before quickly jumping out out of the truck.

bella wasted no time and immediately knocked on the door of the black's home, while layla got out of the car and followed her friend. jacob's father opened the door and greeted bella with a forced smile.

"i need to see him," bella spoke. after billy black had claimed that his son wasn't in, bella apologized before side stepping her way into the house making a dash towards jacob's room. billy called for the pale girl, but wheeled himself back around towards the front door once he heard a soft voice speak.

"i apologize on her behalf. she's quite bent on seeing your son," layla murmured, flashing billy a small smile. she continued to introduce herself to the man, "you don't know me but i know jacob, i'm layla."

billy smiled warmly at the girl and introduced himself, but before the two could continue with their conversation, bella rushed past the two. layla flinched when she heard her friend yelling outside. "i'm gonna go make sure she is okay, nice to meet you mr. black!"

she hurried and followed her best friend into the small clearing beside the black's residence. "bella!" she called out. she could see her friend trying to square up to a group of shirtless guys, and she knew the outcome was not going to be good.

she finally reached bella when the one of the shirtless guys, clearly irritated, spoke "what did we do? what did he do? what did he tell you?"

layla immediately noticed the tense atmosphere and reached out to tug on bella's sleeve in order to prevent the older girl from doing anything that could worsen the situation. "bella, please just calm down!" she whispered softly, looking anxiously back and forth from bella to guy who had just questioned her friend.

upon hearing the gentle, melodic voice, paul lahote took a second to look at the person who had just spoken. the girl had made quick eye contact with the muscular boy, seemingly mesmerized by how attractive he was, before shaking bella to snap out of her sudden rage.

despite the eye contact being quick, paul instantly felt the world shift beneath him as if it were no longer gravity that bound him to the earth, but the angel eyed beauty who stood before him. he caught a glimpse into the future of him and the girl in front of him and realized —

he had imprinted.

his fellow pack brothers looked at each other, understanding what just happened, before finally looking at the girl who had accompanied bella. after seeing her failing to get bella to cool down, they focused at the current situation at hand.

"nothing! he tells me nothing because he is scared of you," bella glared, trying to intimidate the men, who did nothing but laugh at her response. that ticked off the auburn haired girl, causing her to slap paul in the face.

at that moment, both girls' eyes had widened for the boy in front of them was now furiously growling at bella, his temper visibly uncontrollable at this point.

the boys were quick to move as jared cameron, pulled layla behind him, fully aware of the fact that if paul would be upset if anything happened to his newly found imprint. he heard her let out a squeak as paul started to shift into a large wolf.

layla could not breathe. she could not believe what she had just witnessed. a man just turned into a wolf before her eyes. how is that even possible?

she felt her heart fasten its pace as she struggled to breathe properly. she felt herself sit on the ground, trying to correct her breathing patterns, but nothing was working. she wasn't aware that jacob had come to the rescue and was currently fighting paul in his wolf form as well.

bella was quick to run away from the situation, but grew alarmed as she saw layla frantically gasping for air on the ground. she saw jared and embry desperately try to help the girl and get her to the car, but layla was not budging.

bella ran to her friend and grabbed both her hands. "lay, i'm gonna need you to breathe properly for me okay? i know you can do it. just breathe to my count." it took a long time, but the girl finally calmed down and allowed herself to be dragged into the truck where jared and embry drove the girls to a small quint home located further into the reservation.

"guess the wolf's out of the bag" she heard someone joke, obviously trying make light of the situation that just happened.

all the while, layla's thoughts were all over the place thinking about the attractive boy who just happened to turn into a gigantic wolf.

author's note. and there you have it folks, the first chapter of angel eyes.

lol i just jumped right into them meeting bc why not. layla has no idea her bff is in love with a vampire so this whole supernatural thing is a shock to her omg. i know it's trash but pls go easy on me i suck at writing.

ok peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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