Chapter Two

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 My father and I have been withought a home for almost seven days now. We've been living off scraps and what I could salvage from the charred rubble of our home. We would be doing almost fine, if I hadn't been worryying so much. The 71st Hunger Games was starting soon, and the reaping was days away. Even though I was eighteen, and this was the last possible time for my name to be chosen out of thousands of other names, I was still nervous...


*Three days later*

I stand with my Father just outside the square. He pats my shoulder as I stare at the large crowd.

"It's going to be okay, Mels. They won't pick you, it's your last year." he says, and gives me a samll smile as he walks into the crowd. I stare ahead at the back of someone's neck as I stand in a group of eighteen year old's. Others arrive shortly after, and the square is soon full. Effie Trinket runs onto the stage, her hair a bright green this year, and wearing a short aqua dress, covered in ruffles and dotted with random colored gemstones. Ugh, the capital's fashions are even worse this year. She steps up and taps the microphone and clears her throat.

"Ladies first!" she says, in the Capital's high pitched accent. She lowers her hand into the glass bowl that holds thousands of names. I know it won't be me, even though my name is in there 39 times. I sigh and look towards the sky, thinking random thoughts. I'm so caught up in nothingness that I almost don't hear Effie say the name into the microphone,

"And the female tribute of dstrict twelve is... Melody Haze" My eyes flicker towards her, my mind not understanding what this means, but my feet carry me to the stage. I take a deep breath, and stand next to Effie. She reaches into the next bowl, choosing a slip of paper, which she slowly unravels and reads it in her silly accent.

"Quinn Kovak" The name doesn't seem familiar, so I scan the crowed and spot a boy, twelve years old, with black hair and hazel eyes, and he makes his way towards the stage to stand next to me. I can clearly see the tears in his eyes, and I notice that I am not crying too. I guess it's the fact that I've cried so much in the past few days that I can't cry anymore. Effie motions for Quinn and I to shake hands, and as we do, he clutches onto me as if I'm his life support, and his hands are sweaty. The Mayor of our district droned on about random things, I honestly was not listening. Suddenly, Effie put her hand on my shoulder and steered us into the building behind us. This was where we were to say our goodbyes to family and friends. I was told to go in the room on our Left, and I had no choice but to follow the orders. I entered the room to see a plush couch and a few knick-knacks. I sat down to wait, and my father burst into the room. 

"Mels, oh my god, Mels. I'm so sorry" My father starts crying as I lean on his shoulder.

"I know, I'm sorry too." I say, even though there is nothing to apologize for. We stand there for a good fifteen minutes before a peacekeeper escorts him out of the room.

"Good luck Mels! Try your best out there.." he chokes out as the door shuts. I stand there in silence, confused as on what to do next without collapsing on the floor and bursting out in tears. Before I can make this decision, another peacekeeper opens the door and guides me outside where a crowd has gathered, and cameras sit on the rooftop watching my every move. The train is only a few yards away when Quinn steps out of another door. Unlike me, he can't control his emotions. His face is red, and tears streaked down his face as he coughs and sniffles.  We board the train, and as I look out the window before we pick up speed, I take what may be my last look at my home. 

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