Part 5

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Mature with your own risk

Part5Two months later
"rk..."Madhu"Hmm..."rk"Ria said..we need three blood exchange .. then only we would blood bound?"Madhu"Yes"rk"I can only read your mind after three?"Madhu"No...first one will do..but unclear"rk"Oh.."Madhu"R u that much desperate to read me"rk"Or are always taunting me"Madhu Rk Smiled and pinched on her nose.madhu swatted his hand.
MorningMadhu woke up and looked for rk.but he was no where in the room.she showered and dressed up.madhu went to the hall."Hey ...sweet heart ..where are you going?"Madhu turned back to the familiar voice."Rk...I was searching for you"Madhu" want anything?"rk"No I was just wondering..."Madhu"Wondering...?"rk"Leave it"Madhu bit her lips.He looked and Smirked at her."What?"Madhu"Leave it"rkMadhu looked at him."You feel hungry?"rk"Yes"Madhu"Let's go and eat"rk"Rk...when will you blood bound?"Madhu" let's go and take breakfast"rk
They went back after breakfast."Madhu..if you feel bored..go to library.. it's near by.i showed you"rk"Rk..let's talk"Madhu"You didn't even want to face me .now what changed that much?"rk"I don't know ..but..I think since you..."Madhu "Marked ?"rk amusinglyMadhu nodded shyly"Madhu...may I kiss you?"rkMadhu smiled.rk lean towards her and pecked on her cheek.madhu closed her eyes in anticipation.but rk moved back.she Opened her eyes and looked at his smiling face."What?"Madhu"Later..."rk"At least..blood bound"Madhu"At least?"rk raised his eyebrowMadhu realized the slip of tounge." I mean..."madhu"You meant?"rk.he moved towards her and pinned her to the wall."Madhu...if we blood won't be able to go back"rk"I don't stand a chance I am your mate we can't stay apart from each other"Madhu"You are aware of so many things.smary girl"rk"Yes I am princess madhubala rishab kundra"Madhu with a smug." just two months already started trusting a vampire?"rk"I trust you and more thananything.I find something between us at our first meeting itself"Madhu"I know..I too felt that"Madhu"You get the strength by feeding on me?"Madhu"Not fully...a little bit will lack"rk"Why?..ria told me to ask you yesterday"Madhu" little brat"rk"Yes brother you called me?"ria suddenly came to Thier room."Ria I was asking him about the power"Madhu"Answer her a vampire get power from soulmate.. blood bound and..."ria"Shut up and leave"rk"No say it or me?"ria"Well I will say it okay"rk"Then say it"ria"Not in your presence pervert"rk"Rish..."ria"Get out"rk"Ok..but I wanted to see you blush "ria"Go and Check out your sultan"rk"Ok..Madhu.. don't let him go without answering you"ria left."What's it rk?"Madhu"'s..don't you read it in any stories?"rk"Why are that much hesitant to tell it?"Madhu"Ok...mating"rk"Mating?..what mat.."MadhuShe gasped on the realization."Now go and read some books.i am going to officeroom.father may need some help"rk left "Oh..god I didn't thought of it"Madhu
*******Madhu felt boring by reading the books.she went to rias room"Ria ..where is rk?"Madhu"Rish was with you"ria"No he left to help Dad"Madhu"He is not in the office room.i just went from there.he might went for hunting"ria"Oh...ria may I ask you something?"Madhu"Yeah"ria"Why rk left the castle?I don't believe it's in search of soulmate"Madhu"Madhu ..he was broken down after our moms death and he took care of know our mother was killed"ria"Yeah ..rk said me"Madhu"The was the bait to weakenmy father.because without soul mate we can't survive more.but my father was strong enough to manage himself"ria"Who killed your mother"Madhu"A witch...she was a maid in the castle.she befriend my mother and killed her"ria"A witch?"Madhu"Yes..she was strong enough to defend vampires.rish was not strong enough to take her either.we only get the strength of a vampire when we attain maturity.riah was very aggressive in his teenage days.he wanted the revenge and he killed the witch and her whole family.the witch clan agitated against it and they want rish to be a king dad had no other option than abadon him.when rish came to back to his senses.he apologized in front the whole was odd of a prince especially one of pure blood.every clan wanted rish to be Thier king.but rish didn't want anything.he didn't came.back to.castle after that."ria sighed" he is here to take his responsibility"Madhu"We thought so... but now father lost his hope"ria"Why?"Madhu" are still a virgin"riaMadhu smiled."Madhu please...our people want something"ria"I will talk with him"MadhuThey saw rk coming back."Rk..where you gone?"Madhu"Just.. I was hungry"rk"Ok...I want to talk with you"Madhu"What's it?"rk and Madhu went to Thier room."Rk...I want you to take the Thorne 'Madhu"R u mad?do you know what you are asking for?"rk"I Know"Madhu"Y Madhu..I don't want to do it"rk"Why not rk?don't you love me..why can't you accept me?why can't you blood bound?"Madhu"Madhu stop it"rk"No rk I want the answer?first you threaten me and made me yours.then you made me fall for you denying me"Madhu shouted"Madhu..I am not denying you..I love you so much to hurt you"rk"It's ..ok..ria said it's like a pin prick"Madhu"That's not the matter..I life is in danger don't Know about my past"rk"I know everything"Madhu"Ria?...Madhu the witches are still having grudge for me and they won't allow me to be the king.the thing they will do is to kill you"rk"If we don't blood bound they won't kill me?"Madhu"No..they will not come to know about you till then"rk"But rk...your people need you."Madhu"People..I don't care"rk" is right you are a can't even be loyal to your wife's better you don't take the are a coward"Madhu shouted.Rk fumed in anger .his eyes Changed into red and his fangs protruded out.madhu looked at him with fear.he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.he pressed on her neck."Don't try to teach me and don't call me that"rk.He released his grip from her neck.his eyes slowly changed into blue.he blinking twice."Oh..god..I am sorry madhu..don't ..don't ever taunt me like this.i am sorry"he saw the marks on her neck.he tried to touch but she swatted his hand"Madhu..."rk"Don't..."Madhu cried"I..I am sorry madhu"rk brushed his hands throughr his hair"Ok..Madhu get ready to go back to India tomorrow"rk"What?"Madhu"I will erase your memory about me and that mark can lead a new life"rk"No rk..don't do this to me..I love you rk..I want you..I need you"madhrk left the room and ran to the forest.Ria went to the room and saw Madhu crying."Madhu...what's it?why are you crying?why rish is angry?"riaMadhu hugged her and cried." look broken ..why?"riaMadhu said everything."Madhu..I am sorry"ria"Ria..I don't want leave rish..I love him so much.i will die without him"Madhu"Madhu..."ria"Ria.. please do something.please talk with him"Madhu burst out crying"Madhu..hey look..he is stubborn he won't listen to me.but you can do one thing"riaMadhu wiped her tears and looked at her ."Seduce him"ria"What?"Madhu"Yeah..he can't resist are his mate and a vampire can never resist his urges like a normal human know we have lust and love in its highest degree"ria Smiled."R u sure it works?"Madhu"Yeah"ria"I will try it tonight or else I will die tonight"Madhu"Don't think foolish"ria"It's not ria..I don't want to live without him"Madhu" of luck"ria
Rk went back home after hours.he went to ria" is Madhu?"rk"How do I know.she is your wife rish"ria" didn't saw her?'Rk" should be a little more careful..don't broke her.she loves you"ria"Ria.. don't you know"rk"You have to protect her unless backing off her"ria" can't understand.i get her scent .she is at room"rk turned to leave"Goodnight and sweet night rish"ria"What do you mean by that?"rk"Nothing just go and sleep"riaRk went to his room."Why didn't you switch on the light Madhu?"he went to switch on the light and touched on switch .but someone grabbed his hand.."Madhu"rk"'s good to be dark"Madhu said in sexy tone"Hey what happened to you?"rkHe switched on the light and looked at madhu.shr seducingly moved towards him.she put on a song and danced leaning on him.she trailed her fingers on his cheek .she moved her hip against his. A moan escaped from rk."You enjoying baby?"Madhu"No..don't do this..I can't control anymore"rk"Then don't do"Madhu"No.."rk tried to move back.madhu caught his hand and pulled him close.ahe tiptoed and pecked on his lips.""rk groanedShe unbuttoned his shirt and kissed on his chest.Rk fidgeted with his hand .."Madhu..."rk She kissed on his eagle mark.Soon she found herself on bed towering by rk."Madhu ..."rk began to kiss on her neck.he moved to her lips and kissed her passionately.He found the entrance of his tounge to her mouth.they parted .rk kept looking at her eyes."I love you rk"Madhu'i love you too"rk slammed his lips to hers again.he traced his hands over her curves sending shivers down her body.he ripped open her clothes in seconds.rk kissed her whole body without leaving an inch.madhu moaned on each kiss.he went back to her lips and claimed it again.madhu felt his member .he realeased his fly by re.oving his pants"Please be gentle"Madhu"Don't worry..we will proceed it slowly"rkMadhu noddedHe gently moved to her bossom and kissed and sucked it.madhu shout out his name.He gentled moved down to her navel .kissed and sucked.madhu arched her body.he moved further down and Madhu felt her first or***m.shr shout out his cane back and sucked her lips"May I?"rkMadhu nodded.she felt the piercing pain .tears rolled down her eyes.Rk kissed dried her tears."You are so tight"rkHis husky voice sent shivers through her body.he moved slowly.madhu adjusted with his pace.he increased the pace and Madhu felt his heat exploded inside her sending her to another org**m.madhu gripped him close to her neck.his fangs protuded and he bit on Madhus neck.madhu felt the pain turning into ecstasy.both her body and mind exploded in another org**m.They Cleaned up and led back in bed."Madhu...are you alright?"rk hugging her"Hmm..bit tired"Madhu"You tricked me"rk"I don't want to forget you.i want to live with you or if it is death.i want to do it with you"MadhuRk kissed on her forehead."You look pale"rk"You drank so much?"Madhu"Replace it"rk rip open his wrist with his fangs and poured the blood into Madhus mouth.she drank it"Feeling better?"rk"Hmm..."Madhu"I love you Madhu"rk kissed on Madhus forehead."I love you too"Madhu"You heard it?"rk"What?"Madhu"I didn't speak it out"rk"What?I read your mind rk?"Madhu"Yes"rk smiled"Oh..I am so happy"she hugged and kissed.Night grew over the lovers for a new dawn.the Dawn they never expected.

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