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Drake woke up with his arm draped around jade. She was fast asleep so he decided to go and get in the shower. As he took his shower he just sat thinking to himself about the whole becoming a father situation. He hadn't spoke to nicki properly since the night he stood her up and the only time he actually saw her was at uni. He had heard rumours of her having a new guy in her life but decided not to believe them due to his insecurities and the fact that he still loved her. He got out of the shower and got himself dressed. He went downstairs and decided to make himself a coffee. As he sat on the island he did some research on pregnancy. He was a bit surprised at the fact that jade still hadn't developed any sort of bump yet even though she was supposedly 4 months along. He looked up images of what a 4 month pregnancy bump should look like and saw that it should be quite visible. He heard small footsteps making their way to the kitchen.

Jade: morning handsome

Drake: hey babe

He continued his research as she got some orange juice and sat opposite him.

Jade: why so serious

Drake: no reason but I do have a question.

Jade: shoot

Drake: how far along are you again

Jade: 4 and a bit months

Drake: right. So why is it that you still don't have a bump.

Jade didn't know how to answer his question.

Drake: why so quiet huh

Jade: I don't know

Drake: don't lie to me jade. Just tell me the truth


Nicki was sat in her living room with some ice cream as she watched judge judy reruns. She heard a knock on the door so she went and answered it. She found Mason stood there.

Mason: hey beautiful

Nicki: hey handsome

They leaned in and shared a kiss. Mason was just over 6 foot and had curly dark brown hair. He had hazel eyes and a perfect smile. He also had a few tattoos on his arms and was quite muscular.

Mason: how's my baby been

Nicki: good thanks.

She walked back into the house and let him follow behind.

Nicki: and yourself

She resumed her seat on the couch and started on her ice cream again.

Mason: I've been good. Urm quick question

Nicki: yes

Mason: it's 10:30 and you're eating ice cream

Nicki: I fancied it okay.

He just shook his head and laughed before putting his arms around her and letting her relax into him.

Mason: what's been on your mind

He could easily tell that she was stressed.

Nicki: exams. I've got 2 weeks before my first one and I'm actually panicking.

Mason: you'll be fine babe. You've got the knowledge so you'll be okay.

He placed a kiss on her forehead and she smiled.

Mason: why don't I take you out then. Maybe a day out will help your stress go away

Nicki: okay

She shrugged.

Nicki: I'll go and get ready.

She got up and ran upstairs to get dressed as he just laughed to himself. She had left her phone when it started ringing.

Mason: babe your phones ringing

Nicki: answer it for me

He did as she asked.

Mason: hello

Drake: hello who's this

Mason: shouldn't I be asking to that question

Drake: well you answered a phone that isn't yours

Drake seemed very agitated and mason didn't understand why.

Mason: calm down man. I was messing with you. I'm mason, Nicki's upstairs getting ready. Would you like me to pass on any message for you

Drake: tell her drake called and needs to speak to her now

Mason: okay. I will happily pass that on for you

With that drake hung up. Mason didn't understand what bothered him so much. Nicki then arrived back downstairs all ready to go.

Mason: you set ?


Drake had just walked out on jade and was now making his way to his own house. She had confessed about lying to him about the pregnancy just to get him back from nicki and he was beyond pissed. He had ended it right there and then and was now making his way home. He wanted so bad to not believe what jade had said and what annoyed him the most is that a few months ago nicki had told him that she wasn't pregnant and he decided to believe jade over nicki. He just wanted to see nicki and get back with her but after the phone call he had had with "Mason" he knew that there was probably no chance of that happening.


Nicki and Mason were out bowling along with a few other of masons friends. They were just waiting for their turn.

Nicki: so who was calling

Mason: oh I almost forgot about that. It was a guy called drake and he said to call him back when you can. He seemed a bit agitated tho

He shrugged it off.

Nicki: oh right

She loved that she could have such and open relationship with Mason and that he would get too overprotective.

Mason: you're up

She got up and went to have her turn not really caring about the fact that drake had called her.


Nas: Mason Tyde

Drake: what do you know about him

He pinned him against the wall even tighter and watched as he struggled against his strength.

Nas: he's 23 and he graduated with a degree in pharmacology last year. He's been dating nicki for just over 3 months and they met a night club

Drake: is that all you know

Nas: that's about it

He pushed him to the floor and just left him there as he walked back to his car and off to cause trouble.


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