love pt.5

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June 19, Monday,2017
2:09 am

Being with a person who u think makes u happy but at the same time all u can think of is the person who hurt u really bad,but the fact that they hurt u doesn't matter bc ur blindly in love with them but they don't know it.

So ur dying inside while everyone else assumes ur "okay" and "happy" with the person ur with."The Perfect couple" u may get called yet inside ur dying to let out everything.Ur call the perfect couple bc you'd rather keep everything in then ruin things.

So ur really not "The perfect couple" ur "The Messed up couple but nobody knows about it bc it's better that way kind of couple".

So in the long run non of it was worth all the effort.Ur still left depressed ,ur still left playing an act that u playa long with and so to helpless n pathetic to quit.Ur left being the one dragged along in the relationship.Ur the one who is drowning but nobody knows and uk sometimes it's better that way;but only you thing that.

When u think that it's just ur heart telling u need help and to stop playing along with the little act and finally put a stop to it all.Uk "take a stand" as people would say to moviate others but "ehh".Me being my lazy 'ol self just decides to go with the flow and enjoy the moment while it lasts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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