Chapter 14: Is that what you think?

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Lara woke at up at the afternoon and she thinks it was too early but... She checked her time when she found out that it was 3:45 pm and she was sleeping all morning. She started running and she fell downstairs and landed on someone. She didn't know that she was staying all night last night so she went to her friend's house and she was invited to her friend's house and also, the BTS went there. They have teenage sleepover but, it's not a normal sleepover of what you think. They even have a beer that they play and drunk it. When they play truth or dare, they dare Jungkook and Lara to drink something that they didn't know it was a beer that her friends got it from the bar. And that's when Lara, slept at someone's house.

Lara's POV

I woke up and check the alarm but it looks like it was not my alarm. It was someone's. But, I already know that it was someone's. And it looks like that I slept in someone's house and I didn't even know who's house is this. How the hell did I came here in the hell? F**- I mean, Fudge. Gosh! I should learn to control my stupid mouth! I was about to go downstairs when I fell down and landed on someone that I think I know. Who can that be?! It''s... JUNGKOOK!? WHY AM I HERE IN HIS MANSION!? ... I just went silent and blushed inside when I feel the I started have butterflies in my lovely empty stomach. OMG. I should've known that I've been staying at Jungkook's house all the time!? How did it happen!? Omg. I should go home now.

Me: bye!

I just run and rum went I just found my way home and run inside and went to the bathroom. I take a shower and I still have butterflies in my stomach. I just think if Jungkook all the time. But sometimes I think of Jimin but there is still no sign of butterflies in my tummy. I really love Jungkook but, what really happen? I tried remembering something when suddenly, I remember something.


Me: Yeah! I'll come to your house right now but I need to take a look if the cost is clear. Yeah. I'm already in my car.

I arrived at my friend's house. And the BTS is also here in my friend's house. 10 minutes later after the fun, we played truth or dare time. After everyone already take their turn, it was my turn.

IU: Lara! Truth or dare?
Me: umm... Dare?
IU: ALRIGHT! I DARE YOU.... To go with Jungkook in the kitchen to drink the green bottle that I left in there. I don't need it anymore. It's for you and Jungkook. You just share. Alright?
Me: ...
Jungkook: come on Lara. Let's drink the 7up

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