Chapter 7

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Now that Maisie was gone, it was a prevalent concern to begin training everyone else. She would most likely go immediately to the dark side and we had to be prepared. If they had a necromancer, we might not survive this war.

Over the next few days, everyone commenced training. Lana, our athletic and training director, had created a regimen for us to go through daily. It involved physical and mental workouts as well as exercising our powers.

The aura readers were currently working on physical strength because their powers were not too much help in battle. They tended to be able to defeat opponents because they could make them angry.

The fairies were busy practicing spells and conjuring weapons and the psychics were working against the trainers to predict their moves before they made them.

I, on the other hand, was lighting things on fire. I had begun to create shields out of the flames and I had finally mastered how to build one about the size of a television. Lana especially wanted me to focus on weapons and shields at the same time, but that made me tired easily.

It was mid afternoon on August 11th when we finally took a break from the training and relaxed in the shade of our trailer, sipping lemonade.

"How goes the fire?" asked Lydia.

"Good," I answered. "But it's hot and it's hot out so that doesn't prove to be a very good mix."

She laughed and accidentally spilled her lemonade on her shirt. "Oh wow. Look at how good I am at life." She stood up and headed inside to find napkins.

Not even a few moments later, there was a flash and suddenly drakons were everywhere. The bad thing about drakons is that fire doesn't do the trick. Water is key.

The naiads conjured springs and pools to draw from and began to blast back the drakons into the street. The rest of us turned and grabbed weapons to prepare if any more darklings showed up.

And show up they did. The vampires arrived on the left wing and the psychics took over. Because vampires can move quickly, the psychics can predict their every move and it kind of works out in battle.

We were backed up against the trailer with no where to turn. Summoning everything I had, I pushed through the crowd and began to slice into drakons. I didn't want to kill them but sometimes it's the only way to prevent your own demise.

The drakons fire didn't affect me as I had it running through my veins as well. Spurred on by my risk, several others began to take down darklings, hoping against hope that the werewolves wouldn't show up.

Of course because we were wishing for that not to happen, it did. We had slain nearly all of the opposing side, suffering only a few casualties ourselves, when the werewolves tore into the right flank.

There were screams and cries for help but none of us could do anything. Werewolves are difficult to defeat. I dropped my blades and summoned a bit of fire to my palm. I couldn't let my friends die.

Running forwards, I vaulted over the nearest werewolf and landed in the middle of the pack. Spinning fire from my hands, I created a shield around my friends before conjuring my whip.

It was the weapon I had mastered the most and I started to hook it around paws and muzzles to move the werewolves away from my family. They were more than just friends.

After being beaten to a pulp, the werewolves retreated, limping on burned paws. All of the fire had made me utterly exhausted. I staggered over to my comrades.

"We need to organize a funeral," I said breathless. Lydia nodded and she and a few others began to make arrangements.

I made my way over to one of the deck chairs and collapsed into it. I immediately fell asleep.

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