Chapter 2 im so sorry...

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Authors note- this chapter is a major trigger warning but the next chapter will be a lot fluffier :)

Dan was sitting on the edge of his bed tears flowing out of his eyes and hitting his crossed legs. He slowly got off his bed and walked over to the mirror. He took of his shirt and jeans and was left in his boxers. He grabbed his stomach and slapping it hard. "Look how fucking fat you are." He looked at his thighs doing the same thing. He looked up at his face tears staining his cheeks, his ugly,brown fringe was covering his ugly,brown eyes. Gosh he hated himself so much. He wish he was dead. "It's not like anyone would miss me." Dan mumbled to himself. Dan went and sat back at the edge of his bed this time he had his blade in his hand. Dan examined his body wondering where he should cut next. His wrists where destroyed along with his hips, thighs, stomach, and ankles. He took the blade slowly pushing down against his wrist and watched as blood started pooling out. He did it again, and again, and again. Finally, when he stopped, he was left with 5 new cuts along his wrist. He sighed pulling the covers over his head crying himself to sleep.

Phils pov
The next day at lunch Phil was sitting with Chris and Pj. They were talking about some anime that phil hadn't seen yet when Dan walked in. He was wearing a black jumper and black skinny jeans he looked nervous, he was even playing with his tray. "DAN!"lPhil yelled across the lunch room. "Come sit down." "O-ok" Dan answered while biting his lip and walking over to Phil's table. Phil patted next to him and Dan sat down. "So Dan this is Chris." Phil said pointing to a boy who seemed to be a couple inches shorter than him and phil with straight brown hair and green eyes. "Hi Dan!" "Hi" Dan answered with a small smile. "And this is pj, but Chris and I call him peej." Pj was roughly about the size of Chris maybe a little taller with blueish greenish eyes and brown slightly wavy hair. "Hello Dan!" "Hi!" Dan and answered with a more confidence than before. Dan me and Chris were talking about this anime Death Note that we're watching Phil hasn't watched it yet because he's crazy, have you seen it Dan?" Pj said while hitting Phil and laughing. "I actually have it's a good anime" "PEEJ GUESS WHAT I JUST REALIZED." Chris suddenly screamed. "What?" "DAN AND PHIL LOOK EXACTLY LIKE L AND LIGHT." "HOLY SHIT." Pj screamed back. Dan felt himself laugh. "WHAT I DONT UNDERSTAND HELP." Phil pouted. Chris then took out his phone and pulled out a picture of L and Light. "SEE PHIL YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE L AND DAN LOOKS LIKE LIGHT!" "That's really freaky how similar we look." Dan said while looking at Phil. "It really is, but anyway Dan do you wanna hang out with us tonight?" Phil asked pointing to Chris and Pj. "Sure I'll be there as long as there's pizza!" "Alright Dan we'll get you some pizza Chris laughed. "YAYAYAYA any way, I got to get to my next class." Dan said while frowning. "I'll text you later then ya?" Phil asked while waving. "You better Dan waved  back but as he was waving his jumper arm slid down a little revealing some scars. He hoped Phil didn't see. Dan looked at the time and ran to his next class. Why was Dan so quick to pull down his sweater arm? Phil thought to himself slightly worried as he walked to his next class. He'll watch him tonight and see if there's anything to be concerned of.
-time skip to after school-
Dan was actually happy for the first time in a while phil actually wanted to hang out with him! Chris and Pj seemed really nice as well. Hopefully they can all be good friends. Dan smiled. He was humming to some muse song when his phone started ringing. He got a text from Phil.

Phil- you still up for tonight? Chris and Peej want to go to a movie is that good? We'll buy you pizza after.

Dan- ya that sounds good, what movie tho?

Phil- let me add Peej and Chris.

Peej- hey it's Pj (manly for Dan bc he didn't have my number.)

Chris-  hello it's Chris and same thing goes for me ^^^.

Phil- ok anyway back on topic what movie people!!!

Dan- what abt 50 shades darker? 😂

Chris- I mean I'm up for it. 👌🏻😫💦😏

Peej- of course you would be Chris. 🙄


Dan- really phil, I swear you have the mind of a 5 year old.

Dan laughed to himself phil is so innocent and adorable.

Peej- why not I hope it's good.

Chris-  it's fine with me, Phil should we meet at your house at like 8:00?

Phil- that's fine, I'm so excited!!!

Dan- alright, I'll admit, I'm slightly excited. Ok I got to go get ready see ya guys.

Dan was skipping around his room happily. It was 6:15 so he had some time to kill. He couldn't eat dinner because they were having pizza, so he decided to eat a bowl of chips to tie him off till after the pizza. Dan checked the time again. 7:30. Dan decided to go brush his teeth and straighten his hair some more. By 7:45 dan decided it was a good time to leave. When he got to Phil's house he was the first one there. "Hi Dan!" Phil said in his happy bubbly voice he looked so good his hair was straightened as well and he had black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. After a while Chris and Peej came and they went to the movies.  The movie was actually really good and sad. Dan was sitting next to Phil, then Chris was sitting next to him, then Peej. Dan had cuddled into Phil and Phil cuddled into him. The pizza place they went to after was really good Dan got deep dish pizza and he needed to get it again soon. They all decided to crash at Phil's house because it was dark and Phil insisted. "Phillllllll c-can I snuggle with you?" "I have a teddy bear that I sleep with and I can't sleep without it." Dan said and blushed. "Of course Dan I'm your human teddy bear." Phil said and grabbed Dan in a tight hug and they fell asleep just like that. "Peej, Peej, PEEJ LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY LOOK." "AWWWW." Pj answered and snapped a few photos. Chris and Pj decided to sleep on the sofa and let Dan and Phil be ( they ended up on Phil's bed).

I decided I'm gonna leave it here oops also

I decided I'm gonna leave it here oops also

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LOOK AT THESE Ok but I hope you guys are liking to story and I'll update soon :)!!!

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LOOK AT THESE Ok but I hope you guys are liking to story and I'll update soon :)!!!

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